

作者: 小月亮的尾巴 | 来源:发表于2021-07-20 17:19 被阅读0次



I love you as I love my life.


I wish you and I were a song that never ended.


If you are willing, I will always love you, if you are not willing, I will always miss you.


To tell the truth, I like your enthusiasm, you can warm me. I hate myself for thinking too lukewarm. Maybe I'm a bad person, but I'll be all right if you kiss me.


Really, I want to love you, good. It doesn't have to be you love me, but I love you, it's my destiny.


Every day I understand your ordinariness, but every day I love you more deeply. If you look in the mirror, you will not see what you are good at, but if you come into my heart, you will know how you are good.。


I don't know why after I get to know you, I feel like being tied by a rope tightly. It is strange that I am not free. My heart is not as light as before, but at the same time I really feel much happier than before.


I wake up and I love you.

9、 我想要在茅亭里看雨、假山边看蚂蚁,看蝴蝶恋爱,看蜘蛛结网,看水,看船,看云,看瀑布,看宋清如甜甜地睡觉。

I want to watch the rain in the thatched pavilion, the ants on the edge of the rockery, the butterflies in love, the spiders spinning their webs, the water, the boats, the clouds, the waterfalls, and Song Qingru sleeping sweetly.


Don't worry about getting old. You'll look lovely when you're old. And if you are ten years older, I am ten years older, and the world is ten years older, and God is ten years older, and everything is the same.


Maybe not for reasons, although there may be reasons, such as you are clever, you are pure, you are lovely, you are good, etc., but the main reason is probably that you are perfectly suited to my taste. So you still know I'm selfish, so don't thank me.


I only wish by the connection of this inspiration to bring comfort to one another, like the light of a meteor to shine upon my weary dreams, and to keep a comfort for ever, even in parting.



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