修辞学 | 双关语 VS Pun

修辞学 | 双关语 VS Pun

作者: 唠叨的翻译 | 来源:发表于2019-12-08 18:40 被阅读0次


What is Harry Potter's favorite way to get down a hill?


JK Rolling

What is Harry Potter's favorite way to get down a hill?(哈利波特最喜欢下山坡的方式是?)Walking … JK Rolling(走下来,逗你的是滚下来才对,JK为Just Kidding缩写,取哈利波特的作者名叫JK Rowling的谐音)。

Korean has soul.

(韩国有自己的灵魂。并且, Soul 和韩国首都首尔(Seoul)的发音相同)

I used to be a banker, but I lost my interest.


。              汉语中的双关修辞



1 谐音双关:是指利用一个词意同或音近而兼顾两种不同事物言此指彼的修辞手法。

(1) 音形皆同的谐音双关














。                英文中的Pun


The pun, also called paronomasia, is a form of word play that exploits multiple meanings of a term, or of similar-sounding words, for an intended humorous or rhetorical effect. These ambiguities can arise from the intentional use of homophonic, homographic, metonymic, or figurative language. A pun differs from a malapropism in that a malapropism is an incorrect variation on a correct expression, while a pun involves expressions with multiple (correct or fairly reasonable) interpretations. Puns may be regarded as in-jokes or idiomatic constructions, especially as their usage and meaning are usually specific to a particular language or its culture. (译文:双关语,是一种文字游戏,它利用多义词或发音相似的单词的不同含义来达到预期的幽默或修辞效果。这些歧义可能是由于故意使用谐音双关、语义双关、转喻或修饰语言而引起的。双关语与文字误用的不同之处在于误用是不恰当的表达方式,而双关语涉及具有多种(正确或相当合理)解释的表达。双关语可能被视为开玩笑或惯用语,特别是因为它们的用法和含义通常和语言或其文化有关。)

Puns have a long history in human writing. For example, the Roman playwright Plautus was famous for his puns and word games.(译文:双关语有悠久的历史。例如,罗马剧作家普拉乌图斯(Platutus)就因其双关语和文字游戏而闻名。)

A person who is fond of making puns is called a punster. (The punster, it has been said, is a person who enjoys hearing his friends groan.) (译文:一个喜欢做双关语的人叫做punster。 (据说,punster是喜欢听朋友抱怨的人。))


例如, 乔治·卡林(George Carlin)名句:"atheism is a non-prophet institution"

the word prophet is put in place of its homophone profit, altering the common phrase "non-profit institution".

语义相关 (Homographic)

"You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish. Unless of course, you play bass."

tuna - tune a 谐音相关

bass - 鲈鱼-电贝斯 语义相关


High on Stars



Dior中的视觉双关 (Visual Pun)

Dior的图形中的双关用的怎么样?jadore 摆出了香水瓶子的形状,品牌名称和包装形状合体,指真我香水系列。


Why did the skeleton not cross the road

Because he didn’t have the guts

Did you hear about the Frenchman who jumped off the Eiffel Tower wearing a parachute and landed in the river? The police didn't arrest him because he was clearly in Seine

The star asked the sun why the moon was always up so late. Sun responded that it was just a phase.

Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One hat said to the other, 'You stay here; I'll go on a-head'.

Three brothers bought a ranch in Texas and planned to raise cattle. They couldn't think of a name for their ranch so they asked their mother, who said, "You should name it 'Focus.'" The brothers were puzzled. "Why?" they asked. "Because," said their mother, "'Focus' is where the sun's rays meet."

Do you know why it's easy for a hunter to find a leopard? Because a leopard is always spotted.

A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital. When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was, a nurse said, 'No change yet.'

                      THE END


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    本文标题:修辞学 | 双关语 VS Pun
