1. Words and phrases
1) Mr. Gupta told Mom all about the prank we were playing on his on, and how I was the ringleader.
ringleader: (违法犯罪团伙的) 头目,首恶,元凶
仿写:The ringleader of the smugglers was caught by the police.
2) I had already drilled Rowley on what to do if we ever got busted.
drill: 训练; 作…演习,操练;
仿写:We took a fire drill this afternoon.
3) But I wish I just fessed up right away
fess up: 承认;
仿写:Sometimes I have an irresistible urge to fess up about my feelings.
2. Sentences
Mom isn’t exactly squeaky clean when it comes to being honest herself.
仿写:Maybe this guy isn’t so squeaky clean when it comes to being doing by himself.
3. Dairy
Today I took my son to the Ice Skating. I was so impressive by what he did. As I am not good at skating, I did not go inside the skate ground with them. At the beginning, my little son was so scary. He walked carefully and slowly along the handrail. After the first two rounds, he begun to let go of the handrail and walked without any support for a few minutes. During this period, he fell down many times, but he didn’t give up which I thought he might. One hour later, he can walk by himself for a whole round. I was so proud of him. What a great kid.