文/煜兮 【原创首发】 {189/365}

10年前, 经过前前后后一年多的犹豫思考后决定离开当时供职的航空公司,去完成读研那个未尽的心愿。 中断20多年的职业生涯重新一个‘开始’, 不得不说这是一个 ‘跳崖式’ 挑战的,不过今天的我很庆幸自己当初的决定!
2008年的这一天, 就是转折性的值得记住的一天,可是在过去的10年,忙于学业之后就是建公司做培训做翻译, 真的不记得这一天了。辛亏还保存了一些网络上的日记 ….
今天回望, 人生中很多重大的转折其实就是那一瞬间,一个日历上的数字 …
A good day 4th May – 2008
5/4/2008 7:45:01 PM
Got up very early went to Knowladge Villege this morning. 8 o’clock, I already have started driving to Dubai...
Submited an application to the University of Wollongong and it will get back to me after 2 days according to admission’s saying - a nice man there…
That is what I have written as the beginning in the day's log, then I note down how I went to previous companies where I was employed for getting recommendations. …
That day, it seems everything is so great to me as I have received part-time offer for coming up study term, however, it isn’t workout as wished …
I even wrote that I have to leave the place I rented at the end of the month…
So sometime, life is just turned at the moment you might not think how noteworthy, but it does such impotent and significant … …