2020-05-16 Chinadaily寻宝

2020-05-16 Chinadaily寻宝

作者: minigreat | 来源:发表于2020-05-16 18:18 被阅读0次

    https://language.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202004/26/WS5ea4d7b3a310a8b24115198e.html 这个里面的题目很适合出题啊,有音频有PDF文档,太好啦


    搭配 “take after someone” 用来表示 “一个人与家中某个年长的成员在外貌、性格或行为上相似、相像”。


    In looks, my sister takes after our mum, but she’s much more similar to our dad in personality.


    Jane and Luke’s new baby seems to take after his father so far, but it’s too early to tell for sure.


    My aunt really takes after my grandmother. They are so similar they even sound the same!


    如何区分 “raise” 和 “rise”


    你被 “raise” 和 “rise” 困扰过吗?它们都有 “上升” 的意思,但经常被错用。“太阳升起” 和 “提升税收” 怎么说?本期 “一分钟英语” 教你如何正确使用近义词 “raise” 和 “rise”。



    Hi, I'm Sian for BBC Learning English. And today, we're going to look at the difference between 'raise' and 'rise'.

    So 'raise' and 'rise' both refer to something going up, but there's a difference in how we use them.

    'Raise' always needs a direct object – so if you raise something, you move it up. For example: I raise my eyebrows when I'm surprised!

    And it doesn't have to be literal – so: The government plan to raise taxes.

    Don't forget this is a regular verb, so the past and past participle are both 'raised'.

    But with 'rise', there's no direct object. So if something rises, it goes up or increases by itself. The sun rises at 6 a.m. at the moment.

    Careful, this is an irregular verb so the past is 'rose' and the past participle is 'risen'.


    Raise vs rise

    Both raise and rise refer to something going up, but there is a difference.

    “Raise” 和 “rise” 作动词时都有 “上升” 的意思,但它们的用法不同。

    1. Raise

    Raiseneeds a direct object - if youraisesomething you move it up. It has both literal and non-literal meanings and it is a regular verb, so it's past and past participle forms areraised.

    动词 “raise” 后需要加直接宾语,如:“raise something”,意思是 “把某物举起、抬起、提起”。“Raise” 既可以指 “抬起具体的事物”,也可以表示 “增加,提高某事物”。“Raise” 是规则动词,所以过去式和过去分词均为 “raised”。

    raise my eyebrows when I'm surprised.

    The government plan toraise taxes.

    He raised his voice at me in anger, but I forgave him.

    2. Rise


    does not take a direct object - thingsriseor go up by themselves.Riseis an irregular verb so the past form isroseand the past participle isrisen.

    动词 “rise” 后不需要加直接宾语,如: “something rises”,意思是 “某物自己升起、升高”。“Rise” 是不规则动词,它的过去时为 “rose”,过去分词为 “risen”。

    The sun rises at 6a.m.

    The water level rises twice a day because of the tide.

    The bird rose into the air and flew away.

    怎样用 “used to” 描述往事?


    你小时候经常做的事情是什么?当我们向他人提起往事时,常用到搭配 “used to”。你知道如何正确地使用这个搭配吗?“一分钟英语” 教你如何用 “used to” 来描述过去发生的事情。



    Hello, everyone! Tom here from BBC Learning English in London.

    I'm going to explain the expression 'used to'. 'Used to' describes repeated actions or habits in the past.

    For example, I used to play football after school.

    And it can also describe states or things that happened over a long period of time. 

    For example, I used to live in Japan.

    We can also use 'used to' in the negative form. We just add 'did not' or 'didn't'.

    Using our first example, we could say, 'I didn't use to play football.'

    But be careful, with negative and qustion forms, we don't include 'd' at the end of 'use'.


    Used to

    (1) 'Used to' describes repeated actions or habits in the past.

    “Used to” 可以描述过去时常做的事情或过去的习惯。

    used to play football after school.

    (2) 'Used to' describes states or things that happened over a long period of time.

    “Used to” 可以描述很长一段时间内的状态或发生的事情。

    used to live in Japan.

    (3) We can also use 'used to' in the negative form. We just add 'did not' or 'didn't'.

    “Used to” 的否定形式是 “did not use to” 或 “didn't use to”。

    didn't use to play football.


    用法辨析:person 和 people


    名词 “person/persons、people/peoples” 的基本含义都是 “人”,但它们之间的具体区别是什么?“Person” 和 “persons”,哪一个更加书面化?名词 “peoples” 的特殊含义是什么?看 “一分钟英语” 视频,学习分辨这四种 “人” 之间的区别。



    Hi, I’m Dan from BBC Learning English and today I’m going to talk to you about personand personspeopleand peoples.

    person is a human man, woman, or child. It is a singular countable noun. There was one person at the door.

    The plural of personis people. It refers to a group or a number of human beings. It is a plural countable noun. There were three people at the door.

    So how about persons?

    Personsis a plural countable noun. It's similar to people, but it's considered more polite and more formal. It’s most often seen written down. This lift can hold a maximum of 15 persons.

    And peoples?

    Peoplesis the countable plural form of peopleand comes from the other meaning of peoplePeoplecan mean nation. The Aztecs were a people that lived in the Americas. Or, there are many peoplesliving on the Earth. They are all human - so far.


    Person, persons, people and peoples

    1 Person

    Apersonis a human man, woman, or child. It is a singular countable noun.

    一个 “person” 可以是一个男人、女人或小孩,它是单数名词。

    There was onepersonat the door.

    When did you see this suspiciousperson?

    She's a very interestingperson. You should talk to her.

    2 People 

    The plural of personis people. It refers to a group or a number of human beings. It is a plural countable noun.

    “People” 是 “person” 的复数形式,指一组人或一些人。“People” 是复数名词。

    There were threepeopleat the door.

    How manypeopledo you know?

    Thepeoplewho live here are very rich.

    3 People and peoples

    Peoplecan also mean nation. Peoplesis the plural form of this meaning. Peoplesmeans nations.

    “People” 也可以表示 “民族”。“Peoples” 是 “people” 表达这个意思时的复数形式。“Peoples” 的意思是 “多个民族”。

    The Aztecs were apeoplethat lived in the Americas.

    The English are a creativepeople.

    There are manypeoplesliving on the Earth.

    When thepeoplesof the Earth unite, we will have peace.

    4 Persons

    Personsis a more formal, more polite form of people. It's a plural countable noun and is most often seen written down - such as on signs, in newspapers and in the context of the law.

    “Persons” 是 “people” 更正式、更礼貌的说法。它是复数名词,多用于书面语中,比如在标语上、报纸上和法律文件中。

    This lift can hold a maximum of 15persons.

    The police expect to catch thepersonsresponsible for the theft.

    My client has never seen thesepersonsbefore and so he is innocent.

    “Take off” 的三种用法


    你知道 “take off” 的意思是什么吗?这个动词短语看似简单,可实际的用处却不少。看 “一分钟英语”,学习 “take off” 的三个意思和用法。



    Hi, this is Kee from BBC Learning English. Today, I’m going to tell you three different ways of using the phrasal verb take off.

    First, we use take offto describe removing clothing.

    It’s really hot here, so I’m going to take off my jumper.

    You can also separate takeand offand say "take my jumper off".

    Second, we use take offto describe something becoming successful.

    I’m going to be rich. My business has taken off.

    Third, we use take offto describe not going to work.

    I’m going to take a day off work tomorrow.

    So, we can say take off my jumper, or take my juper off, my business has taken off, and lastly take a day off.


    'Take off' is a phrasal verb. This means it is a verb (take) followed by a particle (off). Phrasal verbs are tricky because they can have many different meanings depending on the context.

    “Take off” 是一个动词短语,它由动词 “take” 和小品词 “off” 组成。动词短语的用法较难,因为它们的意思可能会随着语境的变化而发生改变。

    (1)Remove clothing

    Take offcan mean remove clothing. With this use, take offis separable. This means that the item of clothing can go between the verb and the particle.

    “Take off” 可以表示 “脱衣服”。在表达这个意思时,动词短语 “take off” 可以被分开,即:动词 take + 衣物的名称 + 小品词 off 。

    It's warm here. I'm going to take off my jumper.It's warm here. I'm going to take my jumper off.

    Please take off your shoes when you come inside.

    Please take your shoes off when you come inside.

    (2)Something becoming successful

    Take offcan also mean become successful, especially suddenly.

    “Take off” 还可以表示 “突然变得成功,开始走红”。

    I'm going to be rich. My business has taken off.

    I never liked his music, but it's taken off quite recently. Everyone is listening to it.

    (3)Not go to work

    Take offcan be used with a time word to mean have time away from work.

    “Take off” 可以与表示时间的词语搭配使用,表示 “休假,不上班”。

    I'm going to take a day off work tomorrow.

    She asked to take a week off next month for a holiday.

    Too & very 的区别


    “Too” 和 “very” 是英语中使用频率极高的程度副词。它们的意思和所表达的感情色彩是有区别的。在这两个程度副词当中,哪一个带有消极的感情色彩?“一分钟英语” 为你解答。



    Hi, I’m Phil from BBC Learning English. Today, I’m going to tell you how to use tooand very.

    They are both intensifiers, but they don’t mean the same thing.

    We use veryto make an adjective or an adverb stronger.

    So we can say: The building is very old. That could be a good thing - it's beautiful. Or it could be a bad thing - it's falling down. Or it might not matter.

    If we use toowith two Os, then it means 'it's a problem'.

    Could say: It's too easy. It means ‘it’s a waste of time. It’s a problem!'

    It’s not too difficult – in fact, it’s very easy.

    Just remember that if we use too, it’s a problem.


    Too and very

    Both too and very are intensifiers.


    1. Very = 很

    When we use very, it's not clear whether what we are describing is a good or a bad thing.

    当我们用 “very” 时,并没有说明所描述的事物是好是坏。

    The building is very old.

    This could be a good thing: 'the building is old and beautiful'. It could also be a bad thing: 'the building is old and falling down'.


    2. Too = 过于、太

    When we use too, it means there's a problem.

    当我们用 “too” 时,意味着所描述的事情有问题。

    The building is too old.

    This is a bad thing. The building is too old. It might fall down and could be dangerous.

    这暗示楼很 “古老” 是件坏事。这幢楼太旧了。它可能会坍塌,很危险



          本文标题:2020-05-16 Chinadaily寻宝
