什么是信息比率 IR ?
IR 通常被用于衡量投资经理相对于市场而言获得超额收益的能力。同时,通过引入“tracking error”的概念而也用于确定投资组合的表现与市场走势的一致性。
IR 的计算
Portfolio return:周期内投资组合的收益率(the portfolio return for the period)
Benchmark return:基准标的的收益率(the return on the fund used as a benchmark)
Tracking error:投资组合与基准标的收益之差的标准差(the standard deviation of the difference between the portfolio and benchmark returns)
关于 Tracking error
Tracking error 一般通过计算投资组合与基准标的的收益差的标准差得到。
高 Tracking error:相对于标的走势,有更大的变动性和不可预知性;
低 Tracking error:相对于标的走势,有更小的变动性和不可预知性。
For example, assume that there is a large-cap mutual fund benchmarked to the S&P 500 index. Next, assume that the mutual fund and the index realized the following returns over a given five-year period:
Mutual Fund: 11%, 3%, 12%, 14% and 8%.
S&P 500 index: 12%, 5%, 13%, 9% and 7%.
Given this data, the series of differences is then (11% - 12%), (3% - 5%), (12% - 13%), (14% - 9%) and (8% - 7%). These differences equal -1%, -2%, -1%, 5%, and 1%. The standard deviation of this series of differences, the tracking error, is 2.79%.
IR 是投资组合相对于基准标的的超额收益比上收益波动性的度量。基准标的通常是市场、行业的指数,如标普500,等。
IR 被用于评价投资经理相对于市场而言获取超额收益的水平。
高 IR 代表着投资经理在给定的风险下有着较高的获取超过市场水平的超额收益的能力。
IR 计算示例
For example, say you're comparing two different fund managers:
Fund Manager A has an annualized return of 13% and a tracking error of 8%
Fund manager B has an annualized return of 8% and tracking error of 4.5%
Also, assume the index has an annualized return of -1.5%
Fund Manager A's IR equals 1.81 or (13 - (-1.5) / 8). Fund Manager B's IR equals 2.11 or (8 - (-1.5) / 4.5). Although manager B had lower returns than manager A, their portfolio had a better IR because, in part, it has a lower standard deviation or tracking error, which means less risk and more consistency of the portfolio's performance relative to the benchmark index.
IR 与 Sharpe 比率的对比
Sharpe 比率采用的是相对于无风险收益的超额收益,例如相对于美国国债
IR 采用的是相对于某个基准标的的超额收益,例如相对于标普500指数
二者均为评价投资组合的有效指标,但 IR 对比的是基准标的,因此对于投资者而言更有比较意义,因为基准标的的收益往往高于无风险利率
IR 的局限性