

作者: 教书匠阿伦 | 来源:发表于2019-04-30 09:15 被阅读1次

    How are international students evaluated?招生官如何评估国际生?

    Basically using the same academic criteria as for U.S. citizens and residents. In all cases, the primary consideration is the GPA and the rigor of the high school courses. High schools usually send a school profile along with the required student transcript and report. There is also an international supplement required from the high school counselor. Transcripts and recommendations as well as any other supporting materials need to be officially translated into English.


    International students are usually evaluated in pretty much the same holistic manner as domestic students.


    Each college will have their own international qualifications experts, often the admissions officers who travel to those countries - for those that are unfamiliar then there are agencies around who will offer US equivalences to every national system out there in order to calculate a GPA - it is still wise to make sure that some kind of equivalence to a US 4 point GPA scale is on your school transcript though.


    International students' applications are evaluated in much the same way as other students' applications. More and more colleges are becoming aware of the difficulties in confirming the accuracy of information on international applications so there may very well be more intense scrutiny in the near future. This is especially the case for some applications in certain parts of Asia.


    With more scrutiny than ordinary students, but they are often multi-lingual, very well traveled and have much to add to the diversity of the student population. Colleges also verify that they can afford to pay w/$0 in financial aid.


    International students slowly but surely gaining a strong hold on America' schools. This year not once superceded, but surges in the amount of international applications submitted to American colleges. China seems to be rapidly reaching their competition and catching up the trend of having the youth of their countries educated by the most elite colleges in the world.


    For example, 10 years ago 17 Chinese students applied to the University of Virginia; three years ago 177 students applied and this year 800 applied. Over the past three years, the number of Chinese applicants to Georgetown University has increased from 95 to 208, at George Mason increased from 54 to almost 100, George Washington University 270 to 350, Brown University from 16 to 500 an Stanford from 268 to 400. Many colleges have been capitalizing on Chinese interest in studying abroad and heavily recruiting in China, hoping to gain name recognition among the country’s increasing wealthy families.


    --Source: Bloomberg--文章来源:《彭博商业周刊》







