

作者: 这个青春我陪你 | 来源:发表于2020-04-04 13:30 被阅读0次

分享歌词:lenka_Attune  《Homo Sapien》

First there was the big bang and stars began to shine

Then there was existence, primordial slime

I was waiting all that time,

While we were evolving side by side,

Rock to fish, monkey to man,

It's why this love began,

Be my Homo Sapien,


'Cause I elovled to love you,

Let me hold you till the end,

'Cause I elovled to love you,

We will grow and change, my friend,

But I'll elovled to love you,

So, be my Homo Sapien,

'Cause I evolved to,

I elovled to love you,

We formed a new mutated over time,

We hunted and gathered, and played with fire,


Every evolutionary  step was divine,

So, be my Homo Sapien,

'Cause I elovled to love you,

Let me hold you till the end,

'Cause I elovled to love you,

We will grow and change, my friend,

But I'll elovled to love you,

So, be my Homo Sapien,

'Cause I evolved to, I elovled to love you,And procreate with you,

Let's continue the species,

Expand our family tree,

(Be my Homo Sapien),


('Cause I elovled to love you)

(Let me hold you till the end),

('Cause I elovled to love you),

We will grow and change my friend,

But I'll elovled to love you,

So, be my Homo Sapien,

'Cause I evolved to, I elovled to love you。




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