Such examples indicate that within limits and with modifications, Plato's plan is practicable: and indeed he himself had derived it largely from actual practice as seen on his travels.
He had been impressed by the Egyptian theocracy:
here was a great and ancient civilization ruled by a small priestly class;
and compared with the bickering and tyranny and incompetence of the Athenian Ecclesia Plato felt that the Egyptian government represented a much higher form of state (Laws, 819).
In Italy he had stayed for a time with a Pythagorean community, vegetarian and communist, which had for generations controlled the Greek colony in which it lived.
In Sparta he had seen a small ruling class living a hard and simple life in common in the midst of a subject population;
subject ,臣民
eating together, restricting mating for eugenic ends, and giving to the brave the privilege of many wives.
He had no doubt heard Euripides advocate a community of wives, the liberation of slaves, and the pacification of the Greek world by an Hellenic league (Medea. 230; Fragm., 655);
no doubt, too, he knew some of the Cynics who had developed a strong communist movement among what one would now call the Socratic Left.
[ 03’19” ] theocracy (神学统治)
[ 05’00” ] priest (牧师;祭司)
[ 05’08” ] bickering (争吵)
[ 05’16” ] Ecclesia (公民大会,是古希腊城邦的最高权力机关)
[ 06’45” ] subject (臣民)
[ 07’03” ] end (目的)
[ 07’31” ] Euripides (欧里庇得斯,希腊的悲剧诗人。生活在伯罗奔尼撒战役期间,那个时候奴隶的待遇苛刻,女人毫无地位可言,而欧里庇得斯同情弱者,提倡和平、民主以及平等。)
[ 07’56” ] pacification (和解;平定)
[ 08’02” ] Hellenic (希腊的;希腊语的;希腊人的)
[ 08’30” ] Cynics (犬儒主义学派,古希腊四大学派之一。其主张消除本我,简单地生活。)
[ 11’52” ] desire coordination (欲望的调节)