纽约的周末要如何令人难忘?能出去浪就珍惜,浪到极致!-H&H 7

纽约的周末要如何令人难忘?能出去浪就珍惜,浪到极致!-H&H 7

作者: 徐林Grace | 来源:发表于2020-03-08 03:26 被阅读0次

    2020-03-06 to 7

    骑自行车犹如经过正真的jungle,so bumpy,坎坷不平的道路到处都在修理,即使我对纽约盲目的着迷,也不能不意识到到处都是垃圾,脏死了!城市里的biking犹如过山车,上下跌宕起伏必要的时候要jump才不至于咯坏屁股,如此rough,我的oil瓶子崩开了,到处都是油腻,好在Morrocan leadther bag需要oil,犹如我的脸,干得都是褶,正好舒展一下。我到了aws好好清洁一下。这就是周五的干活,早晨到了aws,非常拥挤,氛围真不错,几个韩国人看到我挤眉弄眼,估计都在衡量谁更危险!






    真的是现在的心态,一切都是代价,该有的会有,没有的也算了。6年时间,犹如一个屏幕画面,过去都是故事,好像和自己不相关,看一个旁人的故事,还是需要写下来,本年内,必须写一本小书,sex or 创业!

    周五对自己说,需要做一些不同的事情:nike flagship store,ford foudnation,art,FIT,MOMA

    纽约回来一星期啦,吃得真好,开始一天三顿饭,因为吃不过来,想吃,吃遍所有之前喜欢的,现在还是喜欢!food is so good, I got three times Mexico, Italian, today greek my favorite Pi bakery with kale and eggplant dipping, yummy, that is why I am eating three meals per day, not miss anything. love the food here.

    每天固定计划做到:One application of academic job, one Harvard teaching note, one article, one work with teaching or DBA

    这个是发明家的体会,我们都是thoughts,都是whirlpool,越来越认同,可以是人,动物,植物,气体和物件,今早vipa就是这样看待自己身体,包括现在看自己的过去,都是情景剧一样。experiment of Sir Humphrey Davy, when the laughing gas overpowered him, and, during the lecture, he remained motionless, stupefied, and, after that, he said that the whole universe was made up of ideas; for the time being, as it were, the gross vibrations had ceased, and only the subtle vibrations, which he called the mind, were present to him. He could only see the subtle vibrations round him ; everything had become thought; the whole universe was an ocean of thought, he and everyone else had become little thought whirlpools.

    周四kettle出来,旁边bakery如此有吸引力,纽约bakery对我有致命吸引力,味道,氛围环境都喜欢,吃了bialy,说实话不咋好吃,但是一个波兰特色洋葱圈在中间:A traditional bialy has a diameter of up to 15 cm (6 inches) and is a chewy yeast roll similar to a bagel. Unlike a bagel, which is boiled before baking, a bialy is simply baked, and instead of a hole in the middle it has a depression.

    周五下雨很冷,我2.30出来,完全没法骑车,彻底湿透了,就地铁去了nike flagship store,定制化在顶楼,东西不错就是贵啦,我都不需要,晃了一圈了解了模式,去了对面的优衣库,真是适合郭博的风格,我也添置几个简单的货色,一共106,和COS一件一样,之前认为100一件很便宜,现在4件。moma还没开始free,就去mochiatto喝chai latte,读raja yoga,感觉很孤独,都是周末闲聊的工作人员,我显得格外落寞,天气使然。

    而MOMA人山人海,我惊奇大家不为virus担心吗?好在我们还可以游荡,欣赏如此美的艺术作品,When u still can it is blessing,看得完全麻木之后发现很疲惫,真的少见,恨不得凳子上躺着;互动的群体活动很让人好奇,很多人各种创作,这就是纽约!享受最好的。

    So much creation and enthusiasm

    I am tired because of normally i got a nap before class

    Danger so many people

    周末需要好好计划一下,发现没啥特别的活动,竟然还是老样子,吃完我的greek yoghurt,avocado,oat latte早餐,骑车下城区,到了FIT museum,ballerina costume show so well done! dying swan costume让人感动,George balachine work再度唤起共鸣!

    Amy现在julliet school工作,找出各种借口月中之后见我,quarantine我,也好!

    本来想看梦露展览,结果看了“New old” pratt institute,非常好的课题,如何让age society living better life, so inspirational on how to age better. 我需要学习,到时候啦!

    highline是我必到之地,一个寒冷的周六早晨汇合兴奋的游人,到了hudson yard,edge还没开业,我是最先好奇会要看的,体验纽约风格的充电装置,去了little spanish,人山人海,我肯定凑热闹great food, empanada, tortilla,都超级地道好吃,这就是纽约,各种做得比本国还要好吃的世界各国佳肴,之后享受shed,既然在,就要享受最好的。

    看到都是纽约女性震撼力,Eleanor Lambert对于fashion week影响力,agnes denes对于艺术和环保的结合,shocked positively by the work of pyramid, restless, awakening, all rings a bell, the energy is high in the show. I am sitting to watch quietly .



          本文标题:纽约的周末要如何令人难忘?能出去浪就珍惜,浪到极致!-H&H 7
