看图记单词 150

看图记单词 150

作者: 南塘小苑 | 来源:发表于2023-11-15 17:36 被阅读0次

7. water cooler

/ˈwɔːtər kuːlər/
a piece of equipment, used especially in offices, from which you can get a cup of cold water to drink

8. desk lamp

A desk lamp is a type of light that is specifically designed to be used on a desk or table. It provides illumination for tasks such as reading, writing, or working on a computer.

9. workstation

A workstation is a special computer or group of computers used by a single person to do work. It can be a regular computer connected to a network or a powerful computer for professional or academic tasks. Workstations are designed for tasks like 3D design, engineering simulations, animation, medical imaging, and mathematical plots. They are optimized for handling complex data and are used by individuals for specialized tasks. Workstations can also refer to the work area assigned to one person, often including a computer terminal or other electronic equipment.

10. partition

a thin wall or screen that separates one part of a room from another

11. in tray / inbox

/ˈɪn treɪ/
a container on your desk for work and letters that need to be dealt with

12. out tray / outbox

/ˈaʊt treɪ/
a box on an office desk where you put work and letters which are ready to be posted or put away


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      本文标题:看图记单词 150
