有人学英语通过狂背单词,有人通过看美剧,有人看英语原版书,当然只要坚持下去都会有很大进步,然而这不是一项兴趣,真正能坚持的却不多,我个人认为,模仿一段英文对话其实可以解决单独背单词,记句子的苦恼。更重要的是语音语调也会渐渐向native speaker靠近。
每天一小段,语境中练习英语What are you doing ?
Is this the refrigerator?
It is,Mrs patmore hates it -Oh.of course she does.
Don't eat anything that's meant for tomorrow.
Now,this takes me back .
Did I ever tell you about our cook when I was a boy ,Mrs Yardley?
Many times
She was quite a crosspatch,(她的脾气很不好)but she was always kind to me .
She used to let me hide down here when I was in trouble.
She kept a box of biscuits and sweets just for me .
Rosamund was furious-
Rosamund was jealous.come to bed.sorry ,Carson.we shouldn't be here.
Oh,quite all right ,my lady.
But I did want a private word on the question of Daisy.I 've heard what happened at the auction.I don't believe we can allow it to go unnoticed.
No, I suppose not.
It is a dismissible offence.
Oh .isn't that a bit harsh? on the day of Bates'good news?(今天刚迎来贝茨家的好消息)
I 'm sure she regrets it.
I dare say Guy Fawkes regretted trying to blow up Parliament,my lady,but he still had to pay the price.
Can't you just tick her off?(教训)you 'll know how to ensure there's no repetition.
Very good,my lady,if that's what you wish.