

作者: 土雕艺术家 | 来源:发表于2023-02-27 20:44 被阅读0次


我们对进化树可信度的估计本身就是一个难题,因为我们没有“已知”祖先序列和系统发育的例子。有几种方法通常用于估计我们对推断的树拓扑的信心,包括引导、似然和贝叶斯方法(Confidence in phylogenetics)。进化树通常根据DNA或RNA序列数据进行估计,估计出来的进化树有多大的可信度?1985年,Felsenstein建议使用bootstrap来回答这个问题。
Felsenstein, J. (1985) Confidence limits on phylogenies: an approach using the bootstrap. Evolution 39, 783–791.


The bootstrap is a computer-based method for assigning measures of accuracy to statistical estimates. -- Efron & Tibshirani, An introduction to the bootstrap, 1993
译:Bootstrap 是一个基于计算机的方法,它可以计算统计估计的准确性。

Bootstrap 是使用随机采样和替换(例如模拟采样过程)的任何测试,属于更广泛的重采样方法类别。标准非参数自举(Standard nonparametric bootstrap ,SBS)广泛用于最大似然(ML)系统发育分析,以估计从多序列比对(MSA)推断的系统发育树的分支支持。UFBoot一直被稳步采用作为SBS和其他引导方法的有效替代方法。
使用bootstrap表达节点的支持度,其含义就是基于重新采样的方式估算支持该结构的抽样所占总抽样的百分比。Bootstrapping Phylogenetic Trees

The bootstrap value for a clade is the proportion of the replicate trees that recovered that particular clade ([fig. 1](javascript:;)). These values may be mapped on a bootstrap consensus tree, which is built by summarizing all replicate trees using a consensus method. Alternatively, bootstrap values are placed on the original tree that is built using the original full alignment (Results of the bootstrap test in MEGA include these two options in different flaps.)
Russo, C. A. de M. & Selvatti, A. P. (2018) Bootstrap and Rogue Identification Tests for Phylogenetic Analyses K. Tamura (Ed). Molecular Biology and Evolution 35, 2327–2333.

3.IQtree的快速自举值(ultrafast bootstrap support values)

How do I interpret ultrafast bootstrap (UFBoot) support values?

The ultrafast bootstrap (UFBoot) feature (-bb option) was published in (Minh et al., 2013). One of the main conclusions is, that UFBoot support values are more unbiased: 95% support correspond roughly to a probability of 95% that a clade is true. So this has a different meaning than the normal bootstrap supports (where you start to believe in the clade if it has >80% BS support). For UFBoot, you should only start to believe in a clade if its support is >= 95%. Thus, the interpretations are different and you should not compare BS% with UFBoot% directly.
Moreover, it is recommended to also perform the SH-aLRT test (Guindon et al., 2010) by adding -alrt 1000 into the IQ-TREE command line. Each branch will then be assigned with SH-aLRT and UFBoot supports. One would typically start to rely on the clade if its SH-aLRT >= 80% and UFboot >= 95%.

现在IQtree中使用的是UFBoot是更快速的bootstrap,但是其含义依然可以表示基于重新采样的方式估算支持该结构的抽样所占总抽样的百分比。IQtree中的ultrafast bootstrap approximation一般都会抽样1000次,取决于-B to -bb的设置。

除了快速自举值的估计,IQ-TREE还提供了一个选项-bnni,以减少由于严重的模型违规而高估UFBoot分支支持的风险。IQtree也可以使用-b进行The standard nonparametric bootstrap。

iqtree -s example.phy -m TIM2+I+G -B 1000 -bnni
# for version 1.x change -B to -bb
iqtree -s example.phy -m TIM2+I+G -b 100


  • Standard nonparametric bootstrap (SBS)
  • UFBoot2 + NNI with SBS (1,000 replicates using IQ-TREE)
  • RBS (RAxML bootstopping criterion)
  • UFBoot2

如果用于推断ML树的序列演化模型与用于模拟的模型一致,则SBS,RBS和UFBoot2 + NNI 低估了分支可信度。SBS和RBS的预估会保守行。而UFBoot2获得了几乎无偏的分支可信度,即与分支正确的真实概率紧密匹配。
严重的模型违规不会影响SBS,由于RAxML不支持更简单的模型,因此未显示RBS结果。但是,UFBoot2高估了分支支持,而UFBoot2 + NNI 仅略微低估了引导值。因此,在严重违反模型的情况下,UFBoot2þNNI有助于克服UFBoot2过度高度支持的问题。
Hoang, D. T., Chernomor, O., von Haeseler, A., Minh, B. Q. & Vinh, L. S. (2018) UFBoot2: improving the ultrafast bootstrap approximation. Molecular Biology and Evolution 35, 518–522.

Standard nonparametric bootstrap/UFBoot2/UFBoot2 + NNI with SBS



