

作者: 柠檬一小颗 | 来源:发表于2017-05-03 11:30 被阅读50次


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Chinese schools discriminate against 60% of the population. This is both cruel and counterproductive.


counterproductive /ˌkaʊntəprəˈdʌktɪv/

ADJ Something that is counterproductive achieves the opposite result from the one that you want to achieve.产生相反结果的;事与愿违的;结果出人预料的;帮倒忙的In practice, however, such an attitude is counterproductive.

LAST year some images went viral on the internet in China. They showed children descending an 800-metre (2,600-foot) rock face on rickety ladders made of vines, wood and rusty metal. Their destination: school. The photographer was told by a local official that “seven or eight” people had died after losing their grip. Yet the children did this regularly—there is no school at the top of the mountain in Sichuan province where they live. The photographs conveyed two striking aspects of life in the Chinese countryside: a hunger for education so strong that children will risk their lives for it, and a callous lack of government attention to the needs of rural students.


Went viral: become popular

Rickety: in bad condition (摇摇欲坠的)

a hunger for:渴求

Acallous (cruel) lack of

In many ways, education in China is improving. Since 2000 the annual tally of students graduating from university has increased nearly eightfold, to more than 7.5m. Butmany rural studentsare neglected by China’s school system, and they are not the only ones. So, too,are the children of migrantswho have moved to the cities from the countryside andpoor studentswho want to go to senior high school.


The annual tally of是the total number of... every year的灵活表达法。


This is not only unfair; it is also counterproductive. China faces a demographic crunch: its workforce is shrinking and it can no longer depend on cheap, low-skilled migrant labour to power its growth. Its young—especially those with rural roots—need to become more skilled. That calls for better education.


The government has not been completely blind to the need to ensure that rural people have enough schooling to work in factories, but it has shown little sense of urgency. The schoolchildren from Sichuan are a case in point. So perilous was their journey to school that officials arranged for them to board, like tens of millions of children in rural China. They travel back home only every few weeks.


That may sound like progress. Since the population of young people in the countryside is falling so smaller schools are closing. Better to board than to trek for miles every day to one that is still open. But conditions at these boarding schools are often appalling. Many children do not get enough to eat, which affects their health and their ability to learn. So poor is their nutrition that they are often shorter than their counterparts at day schools.


And it is not just the boarders who suffer. In all kinds of education, rural children have less chance of doing well than their urban counterparts. Less than 10% of them go to senior high-school, compared with 70% of their peers in cities. That is because the government stacks the system against them.


Stack the system against them

Stack against sb不利于

Everyone in China has to attend school for nine years—until the end of junior high school. But it was not until 2007 that all rural children could do so without paying. Like city dwellers, they still have to pay for senior high school. But their families tend to be much poorer, so few can afford it. And rural schools are far more rudimentary. Local governments are responsible for running them. If officials have tax revenue to spare, they see no point in doling it out in the countryside. How can you boost growth, they wonder, by spending money on villagers who will eventually move away?


To spare意识是剩下,多余left over or more than you need.

Dole out  to give something发给

It is no better for the migrants once they are in the cities. China’s household-registration system, known ashukou, treats rural migrants as second-class citizens. Their children are often barred from state-funded urban schools. They must pay to send them to ramshackle private ones instead, which are often worse than rural state schools. Even there, children’s education is frequently disrupted: officials have forced many such places to close, citing safety and other concerns.



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