【游戏模式笔记 一】Game Programming Patte

【游戏模式笔记 一】Game Programming Patte

作者: 嗑丁 | 来源:发表于2016-05-22 00:01 被阅读46次


You jammed a bit more code into your game, but you don’t want the next person to come along to trip over the wrinkles you left throughout the source. Unless the change is minor, there’s usually a bit of reorganization to do to make your new code integrate seamlessly with the rest of the program. If you do it right, the next person to come along won’t be able to tell when any line of code was written.

上面这条是讲写完代码之后应该要学会clean your code.但当我搜索clean code时我又发现了一些争议。比如这个问题do-you-actually-write-clean-code下面的最高分回答说,当任务迫在眉睫的时候,重点不是代码整不整洁,而是要把代码写完。尽量保持那些写代码的原则,但也不要介意用点“复制黏贴”,即不要介意代码里有一些重复,毕竟你可以在之后重新整理代码。


You can define “decoupling” a bunch of ways, but I think if two pieces of code are coupled, it means you can’t understand one without understanding the other. If you de-couple them, you can reason about either side independently. That’s great because if only one of those pieces is relevant to your problem, you just need to load it into your monkey brain and not the other half too.

key goal of software architecture: minimize the amount of knowledge you need to have in-cranium before you can make progress.

Whenever you add a layer of abstraction or a place where extensibility is supported, you’re speculating that you will need that flexibility later. You’re adding code and complexity to your game that takes time to develop, debug, and maintain.


In theory, all of this decoupling means you have less code to understand before you can extend it, but the layers of abstraction themselves end up filling your mental scratch disk.

Simplicity:Lately, I feel like if there is any method that eases these constraints, it’s simplicity. In my code today, I try very hard to write the cleanest, most direct solution to the problem. The kind of code where after you read it, you understand exactly what it does and can’t imagine any other possible solution.I aim to get the data structures and algorithms right (in about that order) and then go from there. I find if I can keep things simple, there’s less code overall. That means less code to load into my head in order to change it.


But, most of all, if you want to make something fun, have fun making it.

读完这一章之后我又深入研究了一下怎么写clean code



2.4. Less arguments are better:More than three arguments are evil.


2.5. No side effects:Functions must only do what the name suggests and nothing else.

2.7. Error Handling is one thing:

Throwing exceptions is better than returning different codes dependent on errors.

Asking for forgiveness is easier than requesting permission. Use try/catch instead of conditions if possible

说起来,我的代码里还从来没有用到过“异常”。搜了一下异常的用法,how-using-try-catch-for-exception-handling-is-best-practice 好像多数用于在用户提出错误请求的时候(比如输入了个非法数字)弹出一个对话框提示错误之类的。

而这个链接writingcleancode.pdf 里面这条也很有用:

Make your comments say something about the code that the code can’t say about itself.



      本文标题:【游戏模式笔记 一】Game Programming Patte
