I read a book talking about how to deal with the conflict in a small group discussion. As we know, when we a task in a small group and try to find some solutions and analysis something. Even on the group members is positive. There still have some conflict may be due to the real or a sense of the world. That is why the conflict it's coming. We can use it to find a way to deal with the conflict in a small group.
Avoidance. The first solution to the conflict in a small group is avoiding. If we think the issues are not an important part of our discussing a task. We can ignore those problems and continue the major task in the group. That is most of the time we said, let's back the way. And continue our discussion that could ignore the arguments for some important things.
The second one is dominating. Dominating meanings control the whole members' opinions. That is when we look at our opinions. And needs are more important than group members. We can use the dominating way to solve the conflict in a small group. But be cautious. If we use that solution, it should impact the trust of the group member.
The third solution is compromised. Compromise means making one's own needs and the needs of the team members one step each. After making a concession with each other, conflicts can be reduced to solve the problem, and finally, a better overall solution is sought.
The fourth solution is obliging. That is means the group members need it. It's overcome our own needs. So we give up our opinions and let the group members win that discussion. That is means the importance of group members is more than us. If we think it over, and we find that our needs are not very important or impact the major task Complete in the group, we can give up our opinions and let another in the struggle.
The last one is integrating. Integrating its meanings. Thinking about both sides of our own and the group member and try to find some solutions could satisfy both of us. That is the best solution because the conflict can be a salute. And all the members need had been satisfied. Although it is hard, if there have some potential solutions like this, try to use it. It is the best one.
So across-the-board, if we meet the complications, it doesn't matter. We just try to find some ways. It depends on the environment and the importance of the opinions. We can think about the task. And the major task not impacted by some opinions. It also depends on our sense of individuals. Investigating that could help us to achieve the success of the task completed in a small group.