SAS 面条图

作者: 不连续小姐 | 来源:发表于2019-08-28 03:24 被阅读0次

    SAS day 46:

    Noodle plots are line plots that may involve many overlapping lines. The line plot enables us to track the lab result for 1 patient over time, noodle plot shows the lab results for serval patients including the Median (Red Line).

    [caption id="attachment_2764" align="alignnone" width="550"] image

    Couleur / Pixabay[/caption]

    Sample Noodle Plot Output:


    Sample Noodle Plot Code:

    proc sgplot data=lb5 noautolegend;
    styleattrs datacolors=(black) datacontrastcolors=(black);
    series x=ady y=median /lineattrs=(pattern=1 thickness=3 color=red)
    datalabelattrs=(size=25 weight=bold ) name="resp";
    scatter x=ady y=pchg /group=subjid
    markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size=5 color=black) transparency=0.1;
    series x=ady y=pchg/lineattrs=(pattern=1 thickness=1 color=black)
    datalabelattrs=(size=2 weight=bold color=black) name="resp"
    group=subjid grouplc=subjid;
    refline 0;
    yaxis label="% Change of from baseline" values=(-40 to 10 by 10);
    xaxis label="Day" values=(1,10,20);


    Noodle plot generally shows the major trends over time for an abundant amount of observations (n>30), however, it could be difficult to distinguish individual curves. We can use some modifications such as separate panels to handle the overplotting

    Happy SAS Coding and Noodle eating!🍜



        本文标题:SAS 面条图
