It feels totally different reading this book comparing to watching the movie. Instead of the fancy effects the movie brings, reading only gives light descriptions and narratives about background and the characters in the book. I guess this is one of the main reasons that keeps those beginners out of their reading journey. I tried, to find the shining points which could persuade readers to stick with the beauty of words.
Rick was perpetually shirtless, because he liked to show off his impressive collection of prison tattoos.
Perpetual is an adjective word which could be used to describe something has a long life or could work all the time. The adverb form of this word made the scene which Rick doesn't wear any clothes very vivid and a bit funny. Especially when he adds the reason is to show off the tattoos.
At this school, the only real weapon were words, so I'd become skilled at wielding them.
Words are always a good weapon, to defend the weak or to hurt them. SO be really skilled at them, to protect those you want to protect.
I did work up the courage to speak.
If you work up the enthusiasm or courage to do something, you succeed in making yourself feel it. 激发
This phrase makes me think of students who knows a large range of words but could not really be skilled at using them. Now I'd also like to share the whole piece of this sentence to share my feeling with you.
I never knew how to act or what to say, and when I did work up the courage to speak, I always seemed to say the wrong thing.
This sentence have said a lot about exactly what I felt when facing the same situations. I was never a person who can speak well for himself. Every time I hesitated, doubted, and finally worked up the courage to speak out, the consequence would always be not that good.