同一篇文章,对于不同知识背景或专业领域的读者来说,阅读的痛点是不一样的。例如技术类文档,对于大部分英文不太好、但技术很牛的读者来说,大部分的名词性质的技术词汇一般都不在话下,但对很多的动词理解不够深入透彻;当然对于英文再好的技术小白而言,让他们最头疼的恐怕就是诸如 k8s 这样的名词了,他们即使可以准确地翻译出全文,但仍然不了解全篇在说什么意思,因为这一片森林是他们从未涉足过的。
例句1:Making predictions in software is notoriously hard to do, but we expect to see enterprise development teams consolidate their cloud-platform choices as Kubernetes adoption continues
例句2:Mostly this will be focused on the "big five" cloud providers -- Amazon, Google, IBM(plus Red Hat), Microsoft, and VMware(plus Pivotal)
例句3:We think that, outside China, Alibaba will struggle togain traction, as will Oracle, Salesforce, and SAP
例句4:In the platform/operations space we're expecting that service meshes will become more integrated with the underlying orchestration frameworks(e.g.Kubernetes)
例句5:We're also hopeful that the developer workflow for interacting with service meshes becomes more integrated with current workflows, technologies, and pipelines