
第五部分,运用统计软件对所搜集的数据进行分析处理。描述被调查农民对大众传媒的接触状况,主要包括从大众传媒获取信息的频度的、接触强度、接触时间、对媒介的可信任度以及对媒介内容的偏好等五个方面。通过研究发现,95.8%的农民工从媒介获取过信息,对不同种媒介的接触几乎均等,以看电视为最多;农民工每天平均接触大众传媒的时间大概在 1-2 小时;农民工对媒介可信任度总体上偏低,只有很少一部分人选择完全相信媒介。进一步回归分析发现,大众传媒对农民工的消费行为有显着影响,消费认同起到了中介变量的作用。

In recent years, the internet, radio, television, newspapers and other kind of massmedias more and more permeated in the society and people's lives, all levels in all areas.
People rely on the information provided by the media to understand the world, to judgethe world. The emerging media, such as radio, television and the Internet, present allkinds of information in front of a steady stream of people. All kind of media are inconstant transformation of our media to influence people's cognitive behavioraldevelopment has potential. As a special group, the migrant farmers working for economicand social transition, they were more and more influenced by the mass media in theprocess of their integration into the city.
In this study, on the basis of a lot of literature, combining theory first off mass media,consumer identity and consumer behavior, the use of regression analysis, empiricalinvestigate the mass media, consumer identity and migrant workers between theconsumer behavior of the three variables relations, and consumer recognition principle inan intermediary role between the two. The thesis is divided into six parts:

The first part introduces the research background, purpose, significance, researchmethods of this paper, and the innovation of this study is to elaborate.
The second part, define the core concepts, and relevant research literature review,summarized and comprehensive evaluation.
The third part, based on the theoretical literature review to build a model of thisstudy, research ideas, defining the relevant variables and assumptions based onpreliminary studies.
The fourth part describes the design of the questionnaire, payment and recovery ofthe questionnaire to test reliability and validity.
The fifth part using the statistical software to analysis the data collected. Descriptionof the surveyed farmers access to Mass media, including obtaining frequency informationfrom the mass media, contact strength, contact time, five aspects of the trustworthiness ofthe media as well as media content preferences. In study,it found that 95.8 percent ofmigrant workers had access to the information from the media, almost of equal exposureto different kinds of media to watch TV as a maximum; migrant workers average dailycontact with the mass media at the time about 1-2 hours; migrant workers on the medialow overall trustworthiness, only a small part of people choose to fully believe the media.

Further regression analysis showed that the mass media have a significant impact onconsumer behavior migrant workers, consumer identity played a role in the intermediaryvariables.
The sixth part, on the basis of quantitative analysis, summary the research findings,elaborate theoretical and practical contribution to the value of the study are discussed,and also propose inadequacies and something need for improvement in this study. Finally,introduce the future research directions of this research.
Keywords: mass media; migrant workers; consumer recognition; consumerbehavior; intermediary role
第 1 章 导论
1.1 研究背景与意义
1.1.1 研究背景
1.1.2 研究意义
1.2 研究目的
1.3 论文的框架及主要内容
1.3.1 论文框架
1.3.2 主要内容
1.4 研究的方法

1.4.1 文献法
1.4.2 调查问卷法
1.4.3 统计分析法
1.5 本研究的创新点
1.5.1 研究对象的创新
1.5.2 研究内容的创新
1.5.3 研究视角的创新
1.6 可行性分析
第 2 章 相关理论及文献综述
2.1 核心概念的界定
2.1.1 农民工
2.1.2 大众传媒
2.1.3 消费
2.2 消费认同相关理论研究

2.2.1 认同
2.2.2 消费认同
2.2.3 农民工消费认同
2.3 大众传媒对消费认同的影响研究
2.4 大众传媒对消费行为的影响研究
2.5 农民工消费行为
第 3 章 研究设计
3.1 研究思路
3.2 模型构建
3.2.1 理论依据
3.2.2 模型构建
3.3 研究假设
第 4 章 数据收集与分析

4.1 问卷设计
4.2 问卷的发放及样本统计
4.2.1 样本选择
4.2.2 样本情况
4.3 信效度检验
4.3.1 信度检验
4.3.2 效度检验
第 5 章 实证分析与检验
5.1 描述性统计分析
5.1.1 江西省农民工媒介获取信息的频度
5.1.2 江西省农民工接触大众传媒的强度
5.1.3 江西省农民工接触大众传媒时间
5.1.4 江西省农民工对媒介的可信度
5.1.5 江西省农民工对媒介广告的偏好

5.2 相关性分析
5.3 回归分析
5.4 消费认同中介作用的检验
第 6 章 结果讨论与研究展望
6.1 结果讨论
6.2 问题探讨
6.3 对策建议
6.4 研究的局限与展望
6.4.1 研究的局限
6.4.2 研究展望
