

作者: 最爱可乐 | 来源:发表于2019-11-28 17:17 被阅读0次

    重来 更为简单有效的商业思维


    Chapter First 开局篇

    The New Reality 人人都能开创事业

    Chapter Takedowns 卸负篇

    Ignore the real world 现实世界只是不去尝试的借口

    Learning from mistake is overrated 择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。

    Planning is guessing 不可掌控因素太多,及时调整

    Why Grow? 成功事业的核心是可持续赢利,与人数无关

    Workaholism 工作狂效率不高,不可持续

    Be a starter, enough with "entrepreneurs" 用自己的方式做自己喜欢做的事情,并获得回报

    Chapter Go 行动篇

    Make a dent in the universe 改变世界,拒绝照搬

    Scratch your own itch 做自己想用的东西,最佳用户

    Start making something 有意义的是做了什么,而不是想/说/计划了什么

    Draw a line in the sand 确认要做什么和不做什么

    No time is no excuse 完美的时机永远都不会出现

    Mission statement impossible 坚守信念,并以之为生活方式。

    Outside money is Plan Z 投资人只想套现/通常不是好交易/融资超级耗费精力

    You need less than you think 最低必需资源

    Start a business, not a startup 无法盈利的不是事业,只是嗜好

    Building a flip is building a flop 思考如何成长和成功而不是何时退出

    Less mass 精简迭代

    Chapter Progress 进阶篇

    Embrace constraints 限制条件激发创意

    Build half a product, not a half-assed product: MVP

    Start at the epicenter 从应该做的核心开始

    Ignore the details early on 不要过早执着于细节

    Making the call is making progress 早作决定,加快进度。

    Be a curator 去粗取精,关注最关键

    Focus on what won't change 十年后还需要的事物

    Throw less at the problem 删减菜单,做成精品

    Tone is in your fingers 不要过分关注工具,抓住本质

    Sell your by-products 注意你的副产品

    Launch now 提早上线,两周迭代

    Chapter Productivity 效率篇

    Illusions of agreement 执行中更能产生创意

    Reasons to quit 问题的本质?客户是谁?最优方案?价值?

    Interruption is the enemy of productivity 集中注意力,减少中断

    Meetings are toxic 会议有毒

    Good enough is fine 不要过早优化/完美化。

    Quick wins 任务切分

    Don't be a hero 知难而退也是选项

    Go to sleep 好好休息

    Long lists don't get done 化大为小,逐个击破

    Your estimates suck 人类不善于给大项目做估算

    Make tiny decisions 易于实现,灵活机动

    Chapter Competitors 对手篇

    Don't copy 只能复制表象,缺乏深层次的理解

    Decommoditize your product 把理念放入产品,难以复制

    Pick a fight 找到对手,让人们注意到你,点燃人们的激情

    Underdo your competition 减少功能,将其做好

    Who cares what they're doing? 不要过多关注对手

    Chapter Evolution 进化篇

    Say no by default 盲目妥协带来麻烦

    Let your customers outgrow you 不要被大客户操控,小巧、简单、满足基本需求

    Don't confuse enthusiasm with priority 好主意需要全面评价

    Don't write it down 重要的需求客户会反复提醒你

    Be at-home good: 用核心功能打动用户,口碑传播。

    Chapter Promotion 推广篇

    Welcome obscurity 先小范围发布,让用户尝试

    Build an audience 培养拥趸

    Out-teach your competition 传授知识,建立凝聚力

    Emulate chefs:像大厨一样分享你的成功秘方

    Go behind the scenes 让人们看到内部运作,培养忠诚

    Nobody likes plastic flowers 坦诚

    Press Releases are spam 新闻稿平庸无聊,个人化沟通

    Forget about the Wall Street Journal 利基网站/博客/社区传播

    Drug dealers get it right 免费试用

    Marketing is not a department 注意与客户相关的一切。

    The myth of the overnight sensation 好品牌与顾客的关系是长期经营的结果

    Chapter Hiring 招聘篇

    Do it yourself first 自己先做再招人,了解工作全景

    Hire when it hurts 必需才招人

    Pass on great people 招需要的人

    Strangers at a cocktail party 可直言、安全感的环境

    Resumes are ridiculous 认同公司

    Years of irrelevance 努力、性格、智力

    Forget about formal education 扩大待选招聘范围。

    Everybody works 不要招聘监工

    Hire managers of one 招聘自我驱动、完成工作的人

    Hire great writers 沟通,表达

    The best are everywhere 每天定期沟通,每年定期面对面

    Test-drive employees 实战能力

    Chapter Damage Control 救灾篇

    Own your bad news 出现问题,马上告诉客户

    Speed changes everything: 快速反应

    How to say you're sorry 解释经过,预防措施

    Put everyone on the front lines 每个人参与客服

    Take a deep breath 发布新特性后,不要急于回应负面反馈

    Chapter Culture 文化篇

    You don't create a cultur 文化来自于日常做事的方式

    Decisions are temporary 临时性决策

    Build a rockstar environment, skip the rock stars 用环境培养人

    They're not thirteen 简化上报审批

    Send people home at 5 工作效率更重要

    Don't scar on the first cut 多次犯错再定制度

    Sound like you 通俗易懂的语言

    Four-letter words 措辞柔和

    Chapter Conclusion 总结篇

    ASAP is poison 慎用紧急命令

    Inspiration is perishable 灵感稍纵即逝



