Hello Sunshine

作者: 鲜宇夫 | 来源:发表于2018-05-23 07:00 被阅读185次

A few days did not see the Sun, the Sun is very good this morning

The air on the playground is particularly good

Early birds have already found insects in the lawn

Rose flowers taste elegant and fragrant

The mood of the last time has been sullen

Do not know why it is not happy

It's really lonely to be without you

I have no choice but to be optimistic about life every day

In fact, every time I face difficulties,I never lowered my head

Only face you,let me do not know what to do

Some things can't go back in the past

I have to keep my body in the future to help the son of Han

Heard the sound of the waves, I know I have to do a brave sailor

The man must have the heart of the sea and the backbone of the mountain

I come from deep in the mountains, I will fly like an eagle

It is in my heart to leave the difficulties behind,soaring against the rising sun

Hello Sunshine


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本文标题:Hello Sunshine
