

作者: prudenceli | 来源:发表于2016-08-31 17:43 被阅读15次

    The second time my phone blew up this summer, I couldn’t sleep at all. Instead, I stayed up until 5 a.m. watching the news. It’s not that I was scared — having grown up in the Congo, it takes a lot to scare me — but I was worried. It’s not every day that you’re in a country in the middle of a coup.


    We had arrived in Turkey a day earlier, on Thursday, July 14. My friend, Samuel Eto’o — the striker for Turkish club Antalyaspor and one of the greatest African soccer players ever — had organized a charity soccer game to be played in the city of Antalya on Saturday. The rosters featured some of the best current and former players in the world, like Lionel Messi, Eden Hazard, Michael Essien, and Jay-Jay Okocha. I love soccer and I was excited to be a part of the weekend. I spent Friday at the pool of our hotel then put on my tuxedo for the evening gala.


    At first, everything was great. Everyone had smiles on their faces and good food on their plates. Then, around 11 p.m., my phone started buzzing. Friends were texting me, and fans were tweeting at me. People wanted to know if I was safe. Others at the gala began receiving similar messages. That’s when word of the military coup started to spread. All we knew at the time was that some members of the Turkish Armed Forces were attempting to seize control of certain parts of the country’s capital, Ankara.


    Antalya is about a six-hour drive south from the capital, but this clearly was a dangerous time for the country. You could see the expressions on the faces in the room flip from happiness to fear. At that moment, it didn’t matter how far the capital was from where we were. All we wanted to do was go home.


    We knew Saturday’s soccer match would be canceled, so we started looking for flights home. One of my managers, Jordi Vila, was really pushing to leave that night, but all of the airports were closed. We didn’t know when we’d be able to leave, or what would happen. The United States canceled all flights to Turkey, and the State Department issued travel warnings. I had no idea when or how I’d get back home. All we could do was go back to the hotel.


    So, I spent the night watching the news. I learned that the military forces trying to take control of the country were fighting civilians and police in the streets. Hundreds of people reportedly died, and more than 2,000 were injured. Some Turkish Parliament buildings were bombed, too.


    By later Saturday morning, though, the government had wrestled back control of the country. Things, it seemed, were safe. I still couldn’t fly back to the United States, but on Sunday, we boarded a plane to Barcelona. We stayed there one night, and then caught a flight to Las Vegas, where I would be training.


    That was certainly not how I expected my summer vacation to end.


    Then again, not much the past few months have gone according to plan.

    It took me a long time to get over our loss to the Golden State Warriors. Up 3–1 in the Western Conference finals, we had them. Honestly, I’m still not over it, but I couldn’t talk about that series, or basketball, for a couple of weeks afterward. During the NBA Finals, friends came over to watch one of the games, but seeing the Warriors on the screen got me so upset I had to leave.


    It was actually my 10-year-old daughter who finally snapped me out of my funk. We were out at dinner one night, and a TV was showing the Finals. I kept turning my head, trying to avoid watching, and my daughter saw how unhappy I was.


    “It’s O.K., Daddy,” she said. “You did everything you could.”


    Hearing that from someone I love brought me back to life. I realized it was time to get on with my life and take advantage of the summer. NBA players don’t get that much time off, so it’s important to take advantage of what little vacation we get to spend time with our families and refuel our souls.


    This summer, my schedule included a ton of traveling. The plan was to visit Milan, Paris, Barcelona and then Antalya, before heading to Las Vegas. Of course, then Orlando was added to the itinerary, but I’ll get to that in a bit.


    There’s never really any downtime as a professional basketball player if you want to continue to excel at your craft. My trainer comes with me everywhere I go, and we always check beforehand to make sure the places I’m traveling will have gyms available nearby. My leisure time is the part of my vacation days that makes it into pictures and videos — really, you see enough of me playing basketball during the season — but I’m still waking up at six in the morning so that I can work out for a few hours before going out for the day.

    Still, it’s important to have passions off the court, too, and one of mine is fashion. As such, my first stop was Milan, a place I had never been before, for Fashion Week. I get my appreciation for style from my father and my culture. Where I come from, we’re a people that love to dress well.

    When I was young, I didn’t have the money to buy fancy clothes, but the thing I always wanted and dreamed about was a pair of J.M. Weston shoes. They’re beautiful, and they didn’t even have a store in the Congo; you had to go to Spain to get them. But in Congo, if you were really into fashion, then owning a pair J.M. Weston shoes was a must. It showed you were very successful and aware of high style.



    去过米兰之后,我去了我最爱的巴黎,我有家人在那里,所以我很熟悉巴黎。巴黎有很多好吃的刚果食物,我经常因为想吃的太多和那里的亲友有些小争执。除了这些我们相处的很愉快,我们参观了很多美轮美奂的博物馆和服装秀,我甚至在卢浮宫碰到了芝加哥公牛队的德维恩-韦德(这听起来有点怪)和纽约巨人队的Victor Cruz。











