A busy day with lots of happines

作者: 杨梅jillyang | 来源:发表于2019-06-26 23:03 被阅读13次

A busy day with lots of happiness

Written by: 杨梅jillyang


【杨梅jillyang】English Diary Day11

Jun. 26.2019    Wednesday    Cloudy


I got up a little later than yesterday because I dreamed we performed on the stage.

That's very clear when I woke up, but I can't think of anything at all now. Wow, so forgetful.

I boiled chicken by the presser cooker, it's so convenient that I can cook noodles quickly.


Firstly, I prepared the fresh noodles by myself, and then fried dishes(one towel gourd, two chives).

At last, cleaned some green vegetables at the same time.

How delicious breakfast it was!  Lion and I enjoined it.


There was very interesting thing for my lunch today.

Actually, I forgot there were some noodles left on the table in the morning.

Therefore, I tried my best to change the meal.


I rolled them out to about 2 mm thickness, and matched with some vegetables, such as kelp,tomato,chives.

To my surprised, it was tasty.

I was eating, watching video of our music class.

It was hard job. I classified the video, added the key words, and shared to my classmates.

Some people said thanks to me, they are so grateful.


My super was still tasty.

It looks colourful. I guess the child must love it.


Maybe u have the question: " Why do you show your meal here?"

My answer is that I need love my body, this is my task now.

And cooking is interesting just like the work.


My happiness are here together, of course some others I didn't write down for today.

(我的中文日记)my Chinese diary page 1 my Chinese diary page 2 my Chinese diary page 3


Aunt Zhang companied with me on the way home this morning.

She is easygoing, active, optimistic.

Hope we shall play some other day again.

I will take part in performance on Jun.30. & July. 6.2019. Both of them are hopeful.

Be happy, be healthy.

Goodnight, dear Jill.





我是杨梅jillyang,简书/公众号/微博 同名。微信 jillyang_88 。自由写作者,陕西汉中人。一位爱文学,有梦想,喜欢音乐、健身、旅游,敢拼敢尝试新事物的八零后。当有幸遇见您读我的文字,请君雅正!前行路上,期望结交更多志同道合的伙伴,向坚持写作的朋友们致敬!Love you all.Never give up! 感谢您来,遇见就是缘分!



    本文标题:A busy day with lots of happines
