Excellence driven development

Excellence driven development

作者: glenwang真北敏捷 | 来源:发表于2017-07-27 17:28 被阅读8次

Excellence driven development


Define what the team value most and use it to drive continuous excellence.


- Define a series of excellence.

- Regularly review and improve.

- The base philosophy is long term team and long term investment.

The series of excellence:

0. Thanks Giving

1. Cross functional team

Definition: not let skill imbalance an impediment.

Sub items:

- define people and skills matrix, and the ideal skills distribution.

- arrange pair programming in sprint work with allowed capacity.

- consider personal interest.

(current map + interest map -> ideal map)

(ideally on each skill, there are 2 persons who master and 1 person who knows about.)

2. Value stream optimization

Definition: remove obstacle and let every effort toward customer value.

Sub items:

- Impact Driven Sprint & Release Goal 我们不是在写代码,我们是在改变世界,谈目标时谈下影响。

- DoR

- DoD

- committed plus optional stories, the optional stories can be identified on either planning or grooming

- identify impediments

- meeting structure and rhythm improvement.

3. Team work

Definition: team collaborate to maximize team effort.

Sub items:

- knowledge sharing

- regular celebration, pursuit award

- collective code ownership

- cross person demo, Tom demo Jerry's work

4. Other-1

Excellence driven development Excellence driven development Excellence driven development


Excellence driven development



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