
作者: 话时光 | 来源:发表于2022-04-26 22:23 被阅读0次

1 减少冗余词

1)It was small [in size], round [in shape], yellow [in color] and heavy [in weight].(一般去掉的词比剩下的词更为通用)

2)This will be done in [the month of] December for [a period of] six days.

3)Our  research  [activity]  initially  focused  [attention]  on  [the  process  of]  designing  the architecture.

4)The [task of] analysis is not [a] straightforward [operation] and there is a [serious] danger that …

5)The  analyses  [performed  in  this  context]  highlighted  [among  other  things]  the  [fundamental and critical] importance of using the correct methodology in a consistent [and coherent] manner [of conduction].

If you find that your paper is full of the words listed below, first decide if you could cut them, if not try to find a more concise and concrete alternative.

activity, case, character, characteristics, circumstances, condition, consideration, criteria, eventuality, facilities, factor, instance, intervention, nature, operation, phase, phenomenon,  problem,  procedure,  process,  purpose,  realization,  remark,  situation,  step,  task, tendency


1)This has made it possible to review the analysis of important [fundamental and practical] problems [and phenomena] of engineering.

2)Numerical methods have increasingly become quick [and expedient] means of treating such problems.

3)Equation  1 is [readily] amenable to numerical treatment.

4)The method lends itself [most amiably] to being solved by …

2 用动词比用名词好

X was used in the calculation of Y. ----X was used to calculate Y.

Symbols will be defined in the text at their first occurrence.-----Symbols will be defined when they first occur in the text.

Lipid identification in paint samples is based on  the evaluation  of  characteristic  ratio values of fatty acid amounts and  comparison  with reference samples.

Lipids are generally identified  in paint samples by  evaluating the characteristic ratio values of fatty acid amounts and comparing them with reference samples.

3. 用一个动词 (e.g. analyze) 代替动词+名词 (e.g. make an analysis)

X showed a better performance than Y. ------X performed better than Y.----

Heating of the probe can be  obtained in two different ways:------The probe can be heated in two different ways:

The  installation  of the system is  done automatically.-----The system is  installed  automatically.

The  evaluation of this index  has been carried out by  means of the correlation function.----This index was evaluated using the correlation function


achieve an improvement (improve), carry out a test (test), cause a cessation (stop), conduct a survey (survey),  effect a reduction (reduce),  execute  a search (search),  exert  an influence (influence),  exhibit  a performance (perform),  experience a change (change), give  an expla -nation  (explain), implement  a  change  (change),  make  a  prediction  (predict),  obtain  an increase (increase), reach a conclusion (conclude),  show an improvement (improve),  sub-ject to  examination (examine).

In Figure 2 the curve exhibits a downward trend  (portion  A–B);  then  it  undergoes  a rapid  rise  (part  B–C),  it  then  assumes  a leveled state  (zone C–D). It  possesses a peak at  point  E  before  displaying  a  slow  decline…  On  the  other  hand,  the  curve  in  Fig  3  is characterized by a different behavior .

In Figure  2 the curve initially falls  (segment A–B)  and  then rises  rapidly  (B–C).  It  then levels  off  (C–D).  Finally  it  peaks  at  point  E before  falling  slowly  …  On  the  other  hand, the curve in Fig  3  behaves differently.

4 适当减少没用的连词

5 用更短的词

advise, urge --recommend; now-- currently;aim --objective; potential --potentiality;also --furthermore; show--- demonstrate;but--- however spread---proliferation; end--- termination (n), terminate (v) ;thus--- consequently;have--- possess; use ---utilization (n), utilize (v);improve ---ameliorate ;usual --customary;keep--- maintain; very--- extremely;later ----subsequently

6 选择最短的表达

X is large in comparison with Y. (26 characters) ----X is larger than Y. (15 characters)

能够用since替代的词:considering that, given that, due to the fact that, on the basis of the fact that, notwithstanding the fact that, in view of the fact that, in consequence of the fact that

能被note that替代的词:It must be emphasized / stressed / noted / remarked / underlined …;It is interesting to observe that …;It is worthwhile bearing in mind / noting / mentioning that …;It is important to recall that …;As the reader will no doubt be aware …;We have to point out that …

7 用最短的状语表达

To do this, the application searches for solutions in an automatic way / fashion / mode.------To  do  this,  the  application  searches  for solutions  automatically.

This  should  be  avoided  since it  is  generally the case that it will fail.-----This  should  be  avoided  since  it  generally fails.

From  a  financial  standpoint,  it  makes  more sense to …------Financially, it makes more sense to …


in the normal course of events (normally), on many occasions (often), a good number of times (many times, frequently), from time to time (occa -sionally),  in  a  rapid  manner  (rapidly),  in  a  manual  mode  (manually),  in  an  easy fashion (easily), from a conceptual point of view (conceptually).

8 避免类似It is 类似的表达



It is necessary / mandatory to use X. -------X must be used.------X is necessary / mandatory.

It is advisable  to clean the recipients. -----The recipients  should  be cleaned.

It is possible that inflation will rise.------ Inflation  may rise.


It is surprising that no research has been carried out in this area before.----Surprisingly ,  no  research  has  been  carried out in this area before.

It is regretted  that no funds will be available for the next academic year.------Unfortunately, no funds will be available for the next academic year.

It is clear / evident / probable that inflation will rise. ------Inflation will  clearly / probably rise.


It is possible to demonstrate [Kim 1992] that…----Kim [1992]  demonstrated that …

It is anticipated / believed  that there will be a rise in stock prices.----We expect  a rise in stock prices.----We believe  there will be a rise in stock prices.----A rise in stock prices  is expected.

It  may  be  noticed  that  …  It  is  possible  to observe that … Note  that …

***当然it  is  的用法在委婉表达的时候有用

9 简洁地提到图表

Figure 1 shows schematically / gives a graphical representation of / diagrammatically presents  /  pictorially  gives  a  comparison  of two components

Figure  1  shows  a  comparison  of  two components.

From  the  graphic  /  picture  /  diagram  / drawing / chart / illustration / sketch / plot / scheme that is depicted / displayed / detailed / represented / sketched in Figure  3, we can say that … 

Figure  3 shows / highlights / reports that …

 The  mass  spectrum,  reproduced  in  the drawing in Figure  14, proved that …

The mass spectrum (Fig.  14) proved that

We  can  observe  /  As  can  be  seen  from Table  3 that …

Table  3 highlights that …

From  an  analysis  /  inspection  of  Table  3  it emerges that …


10 用不定式表达目的

We use X for the purposes of showing the suitability of Y for the description of Z. ----We  use  X to  show  how  Y  is  suitable  for describing Z.

In order to maximize  channel utilization … To maximize channel utilization …

The design of software  is aimed at supporting multimedia services. The  software  is  designed  to  support  multimedia services.---The software supports  multimedia services.


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