一步一步学会分析阅读——和书本对话 Chapter10

一步一步学会分析阅读——和书本对话 Chapter10

作者: 刘小麦同学 | 来源:发表于2017-01-09 20:44 被阅读52次

——如何阅读一本书笔记 9

Part 2 Analytical Reading

CH10 Criticizing a Book Fairly





作者深入浅出, 一步一步让我们明白为什么阅读不能止于理解作者的观点,学会公正的评价一本给书。


Words & Phrases (每日五词)

1. lip service

If you say that someone payslip serviceto an idea, you are critical of them because they say they are in favour of it, but they do not do anything to support


2.set yourself up as something

to claim to be something that you are not

Students who plainly do not know what the author is saying seem to have no hesitation in setting themselves up as his judges.

He sets himself up as some kind of financial expert.

3. show sb up

使难堪;使尴尬;使丢脸;If someone or something shows you up, they make you feel embarrassed or ashamed of them.Law a person who brings a case against another in a

If all he wants is the empty satisfaction of seeming to show the author up, the reader can get it readily.

4.contentious /kənˈtenʃəs/ adjective

causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial

(可能)引起争论的; 有争议性的:

5. adjure /əˈdʒʊə(r)/verb

formal urge or request (someone) solemnly or earnestly to do something

〈正式〉恳请, 祈求:

I adjure you to tell me the truth.


Summary of chapter 10

Key words: teachability, critical judgment, rhetorical skill, contentiousness, knowledge and opinion


So far, the author have instructed us in the first and second stage of analytical reading.If you apply the rules stated in previous chapters in the course of reading, you should understand a book you are reading. But the activity of reading does not stop with the work of understanding what a book says. It must be completed by criticism.

In this chapter, the author tells us why and how to criticize a book fairly.

Two basic conditions of criticizing a book fairly:

teachability :Teachability is the ability that an active reader should have. Only the most teachable reader could finally respond to a book by great effort to make up his own mind on the the matter the author discussed.

rhetoric skill :Rhetoric skill is knowing how to react to anyone who tries to convince or persuade us.

There are three rules that instruct us to criticize a book fairly:

- Rule 9 : Before make any judgment, you should completely understand a book.

- Rule 10: When you disagree, please be reasonable.

- Rule 11: Respect the difference between knowledge and mere personal opinion, by giving reasons for any critical judgment you make.




我以前的老板是个加拿大人,有一次他语重心长得跟我说,“Maggie,你知道吗?你反应很快,但是有时候你反应太快,我的话还没说完,你就告诉我结果。我觉得你需要更多的时间思考再回答。” 在他眼里,我是个欠缺思考的人,因为我没有经过思考就回答他的问题,甚至没有足够的理由来支撑我的回答。这是他给我上的非常重要的一课。正如作者在书中所说,

Do not begin to talk back until you have listened carefully and are sure you understand.

2.关于 Rhetoric skill的理解

昨天晚上读完the Role of Rhetoric 这一段,躺在床上,反复思考这个关键的Term - rhetoric用中文该怎么定义。早上起来的时候,觉得用似乎措辞比修辞更容易理解

作者是这么定义rhetorical skill

“Reciprocally, on the part of the reader or listener, rhetorical skill is knowing how to react to anyone who tries to convince or persuade us”




    本文标题:一步一步学会分析阅读——和书本对话 Chapter10
