

作者: 刘小麦同学 | 来源:发表于2017-01-02 20:13 被阅读114次


    CH2 The Levels of Reading

    CH3 The first Level of Reading

    “Francis Bacon once remarked that “some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.” Reading a book analytically is chewing and digesting it.”

    Words & Phrases (每日五词)

    1. ferment

    The word ferment means a commotion or excitement.

    While you might be more familiar with the verb ferment, referring to the natural process that produces alcohol, the word is also used as a noun,giving the same type of boiling emotion to people or events.

    If you keep in mind that the root of the word is fevere, meaning "to boil or seethe," you get a vivid picture of the ferment experienced at a political rally where tempers run high. 从词根记忆

    原文:“Three historical trends or movements have converged upon our time to produce this ferment. ”

    2. a far cry from

    very different from something.

    “ They can be summed up in the observation that teaching a small percentage of highly motivated children, most of them the children of literate parents, to read —as was the case a century ago—is a far cry from teaching every child to read, no matter how little motivated he may be, or how deprived his background.”

    3. pendulum

    A pendulum is something hanging and swinging freely from a fixed point. A grandfather clock might use for timekeeping a pendulum that swings back and forth.

    Pendulum comes from the Latin word pendulous, meaning "hanging down." If someone hangs a pocket watch in front of you and swings it back and forth, saying, "You're getting very sleepy," they're mimicking the movement of a pendulum. We also use the word pendulum to describe a situation moving between two poles or across a spectrum, like the balance of power in a multiparty political system.

    原文:“ More recently, however, the pendulum has swung back again toward phonics, which indeed had never entirely left the curriculum.”

    4. the lowest common-denominator

    figurative the broadest or most widely applicable requirement or circumstance

    〈喻〉符合最大多数人们要求的东西, 雅俗共赏的特性。


    Something that is germane to a situation or idea is connected with it in an important way


    There are four levels of reading.

    the first level: Elementary reading ( or called rudimentary reading, basic reading or initial reading)

    aim: what does the sentence say?

    when: This level of reading is ordinarily learned in elementary school.

    Problems: the problems of this level of reading will happen when we readboth in written in a foreign language or in our own language

    the second level: Inspectional Reading( skimming or pre-reading)

    aim: What is the book about? what is the structure of the book?

    get the most out of a book within a given time

    problem: most people, even many quite good reader, are unaware of the value of inspectional reading.

    the third level: Analytical Reading

    aim: know more about a book

    The book is mainly about reading at this level. Only few books are to be chewed and digested. Reading a book analytically is cheweing and digesting it.

    the fourth level: Synoptical Reading ( comparative reading)

    aim:the syntopical reader is able to construct an analysis of the subject that may not be in any of the books.

    the most rewarding of all reading activities.

    The benefits are so great that it is well worth the trouble of learning how to do it.

    Elementary Reading:

    There are four stages of elementary reading.







    “Finally, the fourth stage is characterized by the refinement and enhancement of the skills previously acquired. Above all, the studentbegins to be able to assimilate his reading experiences—that is, to carry over concepts from one piece of writing to another, and to compare the views of different writers on the same subject.This, the mature stage of reading, should be reached by young persons in their early teens. Ideally, they should continue to build on it for the rest of their lives.”



    今天跟How to Read a Book 这位优秀的老师交流的结果是:今天跟书对话的结果是,我知道的自己的阅读层次,知道自己在阅读的路上还有很长的路要走。



    “They start a book on page one and plow steadily through it, without even reading the table of contents. They are thus faced with the task of achieving a superficial knowledge of the book at the same time that they are trying to understand it. That compounds the difficulty.”


    some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.” Reading a book analytically is chewing and digesting it.




