
作者: 只有一半影子的人 | 来源:发表于2019-11-14 11:21 被阅读0次


                      Magic Lake

Once upon a time, a beautiful girl was living in a small village. She just turned 16 and her body was starting to become more feminine: her breasts had grown, waist became slimmer, her skin sparkled whiter, and her green eyes radiated the joy of learning new things. She never knew her father, and since childhood, she was raised by her mother, who was everything to her. The girl's mom was playing the role of a mother and a father. She was also an example and support for her daughter.

There was a small lake not far from their house, where an evil spirit lived. He loved to prey on young girls so that he could continue his youth in that way. At least, that's what people were saying. The mother forbade the daughter to swim there, but the girl didn't listen. Each time she took off all her clothes, and with them, all the restrictions of the human world. The girl became one with the universe and the lake. The lake would open the possibilities to her desires by wrapping her body with coolness and refreshing her spirit.

Then one day, on one of these fresh and calm mornings, when the sun was just starting to come out of the mountains, the girl came running to her special place. She swam, felt the water gently wrap around her, enjoying it all...Suddenly, something caught her leg and began to pull her to the bottom. She screamed, but no one responded. She screamed even harder, but there was no point in that. An evil spirit sent a magic plant to drag the girl to the bottom. The girl screamed, struggled, still trying to hold on to the surface. The plant pulled her down, and the girl pulled up desperately trying to survive. She could feel the blood in her veins and the pain in her body. The plant pulled harder and finally, the light from the sky disappeared. The girl felt thewater cut her eyes and fill her ears, and she could no longer scream. But suddenly, the girl got another idea of escaping. Instead of struggling and screaming for help, she dived deeper and swam towards the plant with all her strength. Grabbing it with both hands, she chewed through its stem and pulled herself out of the water.

Still in shock, she saw her mother right above her. "I was right here the whole time, darling"- the mother said, leaving the daughter alone with her thoughts. Later, the girl returned home and asked - "Mom, you were there! Why didn't you help me?"."Because I won't always be around," the mother said and continued cooking. The girl kept on thinking... In the evening, when they were about to go to bed, the girl's mom turned off the light, sat on the edge of her daughter's bed and started saying: "do you understand what happened today? "“Yeah, I almost died”. - she said still angrily. “Wrong. You had a choice to either die or to stay alive. You chose to stay alive. And there is one more important rule to learn from today's event. Trust yourself only! By trying to depend on others, screaming for help and hoping for someone to be your rescuer, you just kept on splashing in the water with no actual progress of surviving. You can splash in the water like that your whole life without knowing the feeling of joy or freedom. And as soon as you trusted yourself, you went straight to the bottom, just to rise back up, and already know the cost of the green grass on the shore of the lake, the blue sky, and those loud birds that sometimes annoy you"...Then finally, the girl realized that her mother was teaching her to live, making her strong, strengthening her spirit. She started remembering more than one lesson that night...

After all, very soon, the girl will break away from her mother's side and fly to her own world.








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