Section 6 - Part 1 -~~1| Helping

Section 6 - Part 1 -~~1| Helping

作者: 硬核Mother_Meg姐 | 来源:发表于2018-12-06 14:29 被阅读5次


    Resist the temptation to “make better” instantly. Instead of giving advice, continue to accept and reflect on your child’s feelings.




    Here’s an example of what I mean. A father in our group reported that his young son came storming into the house with the first statement you worked on in your workbooks: “I’d like to punch that Michael in the nose!”
    The father said, “Normally the conversation would have gone like this:”




    SON: I’d like to punch that Michael in the nose!
    FATHER: Why? What happened?
    SON: He threw my notebook in the dirt!
    FATHER: Well, did you do something to him first?
    SON: No!
    FATHER: Are you sure?
    SON: I swear, I never touched him.
    FATHER: Well, Michael is your friend. If you take my advice, you’ll forget about the whole thing. You’re not so perfect, you know. Sometimes you start up and then blame someone else—the way you do with your brother.
    SON: No, I don’t. He starts up with me first . . . Oh, I can’t talk to you.




    But the father had just attended a workshop on helping his children deal with their feelings, and this is what actually took place:
    SON: I’d like to punch that Michael in the nose!
    FATHER: Boy, you’re angry!
    SON: I’d like to push his fat face in!
    FATHER: You’re that mad at him!
    SON: You know what that bully did? He grabbed my notebook at the bus stop and threw it in the dirt. And for no reason!
    FATHER: Hmmmm!
    SON: I bet he thought I was the one who broke his dumb clay bird in the art room.
    FATHER: You think so.
    SON: Yeah, he kept looking at me all the time he was crying.
    FATHER: Oh.
    SON: But I didn’t break it. I didn’t!
    FATHER: You know you didn’t.
    SON: Well, I didn’t do it on purpose! I couldn’t help it if that stupid Debby pushed me into the table.
    FATHER: So Debby pushed you.
    SON: Yeah. A lot of things got knocked down, but the only thing that broke was the bird. I didn’t mean to break it. His bird was good.
    FATHER: You really didn’t mean to break it.
    SON: No, but he wouldn’t believe me.
    FATHER: You don’t think he’d believe you if you told him the truth.
    SON: I dunno . . . I’m gonna tell him anyway—whether he believes me or not. And I think he should tell me he’s sorry for throwing my notebook in the dirt!




    The father was astonished. He hadn’t asked questions and yet the child had told him the whole story. He hadn’t given one word of advice, and yet the child had worked out his own solution. It seemed unbelievable to him that he could have been so helpful to his son just by listening and acknowledging his feelings.




    It’s one thing to do a written exercise and read a model dialogue. It’s another to put listening skills into action in a real situation with our own children. Parents in our groups report that it’s helpful to role-play with one another and get a little practice before dealing with actual situations in their own homes.




    On the following page you’ll find a role-playing exercise to try with a friend or spouse. Decide which of you will play the child and which will play the parent. Then read only your part.






          本文标题:Section 6 - Part 1 -~~1| Helping
