This afternoon I listened to a speech by Anne Barab, who is a distinguished toastmaster(DTM) as well as an accredited speaker(AS)
Can you imagine she is 68 now and going to be 69 in October?
She is a mother of 3 children and joined toastmaster since 1998 and then she became a professional speaker, giving speeches for Fortune 500 companies, associations and nonprofits worldwide.
She was once a former chief operating officer of a 1.5 million dollar mortgage bank, a politician and also a cancer survivor.
She is so successful that you couldn't imagine that she felt depressed and unhappy as well, just as we all feel sometimes. Then she figured out you can never make anyone happy unless they feel the joy within them.
Therefore, she gave a speech aboutThree Tips on Finding Joy!
And before that, she emphasised that Happiness is getting what you want and joy is wanting what you have. That's a huge difference. We can only be happy if we find joy within ourselves!
1, Positive Thinking-Always use contrustive phrases
Human brains are very tricky. A certain way of speaking will totally change how the brain works. For example, if we say "yes, but....", normally we feel more negative and rejected. And if we change it to "yes, and ...", we will find so many possibilities.
The neuroscience has identified that brians have 3 networks:
Network 1: The Executive Attention Network
The Executive Attention Network is recruited when a task requires that the spotlight of attention is focused like a laser beam.This network is active when you're concentrating on a challenging lecture, or engagingin complex problem solving and reasoning that puts heavy demands on working memory.This neural architecture involves efficient and reliable communication between lateral (outer) regions of the prefrontal cortex and areas toward the back (posterior) of the parietal lobe.
Network 2: The Imagination Network
According toRandy Buckner and colleagues, the Default Network (referred to here as the Imagination Network) is involved in "constructing dynamic mental simulations based on personal past experiences such as used during remembering, thinking about the future, and generally when imagining alternative perspectives and scenarios to the present." The Imagination Network is also involved insocial cognition. For instance, when we are imagining what someone else is thinking, this brain network is active. The Imagination Network involves areas deep inside the prefrontal cortex and temporal lobe (medial regions), along with communication with various outer and inner regions of the parietal cortex.
Network 3: The Salience Network
TheSalience Networkconstantly monitors both external events and the internal stream of consciousness and flexibly passes the baton to whatever information is most salient to solving the task at hand. This network consists of the dorsal anterior cingulate cortices [dACC] and anterior insular [AI] and is important for dynamic switching between networks.
When we say "yes, but...", the green part as executive attention will be more active, whichis highly effective in blocking potentially distracting information from the focus of attention.
And we say "yes, and....", the red part as imagination network will get more active, therefore, there are always possibilities and it's very helpful for any relationships.
2, Forgiveness-let all the junk go!
we have to learn how to forgive whatever happens, it will set us free, just as the song "let it go" sings: LET IT GO, LET IT GO, LET ALL YOUR JUNK GO!
When she first knew she had cancer, she couldn't help but thinking "why ME?", but this question wouldn't help her until she started to figure out "why NOT me", she positively took treatments and got cured at last.
3, Gratitude
Be grateful for what you have every day and find different things in your life to be thankful every day. You will soon find joy within your heart.
Life is not easy, and there are always good things and bad things happened in your life. Try to find 5% good in everything and our life will be much easier.
Therefore, my dear friends:
JOY is a choice,
JOY is an attitude,
JOY is a habit,
Will you go for it?