April W4

作者: MereC | 来源:发表于2017-04-27 16:19 被阅读0次

    Last weekend was my graduation ceremony.  Didn't ask friends to come. So I only took  pics with some friends and fellows.

    and then i came to Vanke Service in Shenzhen.

    Duirng these days watching , I have to say working on a Internet product in a tradiontional company is't an easy thing. We are dealing with a messy system 4 business.Not only P-line,T-line and O-line are also incredibily occupied.

    the most interesting thing I realised is that though i'm in a company of a tradiontional industry , the effiency of this office are much higher compared with regular Internet company.[regardless of the outcome][based on the former experience i had.]

    And i think my tutor,Nichle has a plan for me to grow and fit in ,which is great.

    THIS WEEKS PLAN (Personal):

    getting my haircut and change another color.

    jogging everyday

    prepare regular things for basic life

    get familiar with markdown grammar.

    start to draw wireframe.



          本文标题:April W4
