activity attach以上过程

activity attach以上过程

作者: MickCaptain | 来源:发表于2019-07-25 16:17 被阅读0次

art-prefile 配置attachApplication

1. ActivityManagerService

attachApplication(IApplicationThread thread) -> attachApplicationLocked(thread, callingPid);

    public final void attachApplication(IApplicationThread thread) {
        synchronized (this) {
            int callingPid = Binder.getCallingPid();
            final long origId = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
            attachApplicationLocked(thread, callingPid);

attachApplicationLocked(thread, callingPid) -> thread.bindApplication(...)// bind information [ActivityThread]
-> mStackSupervisor.attachApplicationLocked(app)// attachApplication [ActivityStackSupervisor]

private final boolean attachApplicationLocked(IApplicationThread thread,
            int pid) {
 if (app.instr != null) {
                thread.bindApplication(processName, appInfo, providers,
                        profilerInfo, app.instr.mArguments,
                        app.instr.mUiAutomationConnection, testMode,
                        mBinderTransactionTrackingEnabled, enableTrackAllocation,
                        isRestrictedBackupMode || !normalMode, app.persistent,
                        new Configuration(getGlobalConfiguration()), app.compat,
            } else {
                thread.bindApplication(processName, appInfo, providers, null, profilerInfo,
                        null, null, null, testMode,
                        mBinderTransactionTrackingEnabled, enableTrackAllocation,
                        isRestrictedBackupMode || !normalMode, app.persistent,
                        new Configuration(getGlobalConfiguration()), app.compat,


 if (normalMode) {
            try {
                if (mStackSupervisor.attachApplicationLocked(app)) {
                    didSomething = true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Slog.wtf(TAG, "Exception thrown launching activities in " + app, e);
                badApp = true;

2. ActivityStackSupervisor

attachApplicationLocked(ProcessRecord app) -> realStartActivityLocked(ActivityRecord r, ProcessRecord app,boolean andResume, boolean checkConfig)
-> app.thread.scheduleLaunchActivity(...) // 最终调 ActivityThread scheduleLaunchActivity

 boolean attachApplicationLocked(ProcessRecord app) throws RemoteException {
        final String processName = app.processName;
        boolean didSomething = false;
        for (int displayNdx = mActivityDisplays.size() - 1; displayNdx >= 0; --displayNdx) {
            ArrayList<ActivityStack> stacks = mActivityDisplays.valueAt(displayNdx).mStacks;
            for (int stackNdx = stacks.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) {
                final ActivityStack stack = stacks.get(stackNdx);
                if (!isFocusedStack(stack)) {
                final ActivityRecord top = stack.topRunningActivityLocked();
                final int size = mTmpActivityList.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                    final ActivityRecord activity = mTmpActivityList.get(i);
                    if (activity.app == null && app.uid == activity.info.applicationInfo.uid
                            && processName.equals(activity.processName)) {
                        try {
                            if (realStartActivityLocked(activity, app,
                                    top == activity /* andResume */, true /* checkConfig */)) {
                                didSomething = true;
                        } catch (RemoteException e) {
                            Slog.w(TAG, "Exception in new application when starting activity "
                                    + top.intent.getComponent().flattenToShortString(), e);
                            throw e;
        if (!didSomething) {
            ensureActivitiesVisibleLocked(null, 0, !PRESERVE_WINDOWS);
        return didSomething;

 final boolean realStartActivityLocked(ActivityRecord r, ProcessRecord app,
            boolean andResume, boolean checkConfig) throws RemoteException {

    app.thread.scheduleLaunchActivity(new Intent(r.intent), r.appToken,
                        System.identityHashCode(r), r.info,
                        // TODO: Have this take the merged configuration instead of separate global
                        // and override configs.
                        mergedConfiguration.getOverrideConfiguration(), r.compat,
                        r.launchedFromPackage, task.voiceInteractor, app.repProcState, r.icicle,
                        r.persistentState, results, newIntents, !andResume,
                        mService.isNextTransitionForward(), profilerInfo);

3. Activitythread

scheduleLaunchActivity -> sendMessage(H.LAUNCH_ACTIVITY, r);

  // we use token to identify this activity without having to send the
        // activity itself back to the activity manager. (matters more with ipc)
        public final void scheduleLaunchActivity(Intent intent, IBinder token, int ident,
                ActivityInfo info, Configuration curConfig, Configuration overrideConfig,
                CompatibilityInfo compatInfo, String referrer, IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor,
                int procState, Bundle state, PersistableBundle persistentState,
                List<ResultInfo> pendingResults, List<ReferrerIntent> pendingNewIntents,
                boolean notResumed, boolean isForward, ProfilerInfo profilerInfo) {

            updateProcessState(procState, false);

            ActivityClientRecord r = new ActivityClientRecord();

            r.token = token;
            r.ident = ident;
            r.intent = intent;
            r.referrer = referrer;
            r.voiceInteractor = voiceInteractor;
            r.activityInfo = info;
            r.compatInfo = compatInfo;
            r.state = state;
            r.persistentState = persistentState;

            r.pendingResults = pendingResults;
            r.pendingIntents = pendingNewIntents;

            r.startsNotResumed = notResumed;
            r.isForward = isForward;

            r.profilerInfo = profilerInfo;

            r.overrideConfig = overrideConfig;

            sendMessage(H.LAUNCH_ACTIVITY, r);

4. ActivityThread.H // handler

handleLaunchActivity(ActivityClientRecord r, Intent customIntent, String reason)
-> performLaunchActivity(ActivityClientRecord r, Intent customIntent)
-> activity.attach(appContext, this, getInstrumentation(), r.token,
r.ident, app, r.intent, r.activityInfo, title, r.parent,
r.embeddedID, r.lastNonConfigurationInstances, config,
r.referrer, r.voiceInteractor, window, r.configCallback);

 public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
            switch (msg.what) {
                case LAUNCH_ACTIVITY: {
                    Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, "activityStart");
                    final ActivityClientRecord r = (ActivityClientRecord) msg.obj;

                    r.packageInfo = getPackageInfoNoCheck(
                            r.activityInfo.applicationInfo, r.compatInfo);
                    handleLaunchActivity(r, null, "LAUNCH_ACTIVITY");
                } break;

private void handleLaunchActivity(ActivityClientRecord r, Intent customIntent, String reason) {

    // If we are getting ready to gc after going to the background, well
        // we are back active so skip it.
        mSomeActivitiesChanged = true;

        if (r.profilerInfo != null) {

        // Make sure we are running with the most recent config.
        handleConfigurationChanged(null, null);

        if (localLOGV) Slog.v(
            TAG, "Handling launch of " + r);

        // Initialize before creating the activity
        if (!ThreadedRenderer.sRendererDisabled) {

        Activity a = performLaunchActivity(r, customIntent);

        if (a != null) {
            r.createdConfig = new Configuration(mConfiguration);
            Bundle oldState = r.state;
            handleResumeActivity(r.token, false, r.isForward,
                    !r.activity.mFinished && !r.startsNotResumed, r.lastProcessedSeq, reason);

            if (!r.activity.mFinished && r.startsNotResumed) {
                // The activity manager actually wants this one to start out paused, because it
                // needs to be visible but isn't in the foreground. We accomplish this by going
                // through the normal startup (because activities expect to go through onResume()
                // the first time they run, before their window is displayed), and then pausing it.
                // However, in this case we do -not- need to do the full pause cycle (of freezing
                // and such) because the activity manager assumes it can just retain the current
                // state it has.
                performPauseActivityIfNeeded(r, reason);

                // We need to keep around the original state, in case we need to be created again.
                // But we only do this for pre-Honeycomb apps, which always save their state when
                // pausing, so we can not have them save their state when restarting from a paused
                // state. For HC and later, we want to (and can) let the state be saved as the
                // normal part of stopping the activity.
                if (r.isPreHoneycomb()) {
                    r.state = oldState;
        } else {
            // If there was an error, for any reason, tell the activity manager to stop us.
            try {
                    .finishActivity(r.token, Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, null,
            } catch (RemoteException ex) {
                throw ex.rethrowFromSystemServer();


private Activity performLaunchActivity(ActivityClientRecord r, Intent customIntent) {
 activity.attach(appContext, this, getInstrumentation(), r.token,
                        r.ident, app, r.intent, r.activityInfo, title, r.parent,
                        r.embeddedID, r.lastNonConfigurationInstances, config,
                        r.referrer, r.voiceInteractor, window, r.configCallback);

5. Activity

attach 创建PhoneWindow, attachBaseContext, 用于

final void attach(Context context, ActivityThread aThread,
            Instrumentation instr, IBinder token, int ident,
            Application application, Intent intent, ActivityInfo info,
            CharSequence title, Activity parent, String id,
            NonConfigurationInstances lastNonConfigurationInstances,
            Configuration config, String referrer, IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor,
            Window window, ActivityConfigCallback activityConfigCallback) {

        mFragments.attachHost(null /*parent*/);

        mWindow = new PhoneWindow(this, window, activityConfigCallback);
        if (info.softInputMode != WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_UNSPECIFIED) {
        if (info.uiOptions != 0) {
        mUiThread = Thread.currentThread();

        mMainThread = aThread;
        mInstrumentation = instr;
        mToken = token;
        mIdent = ident;
        mApplication = application;
        mIntent = intent;
        mReferrer = referrer;
        mComponent = intent.getComponent();
        mActivityInfo = info;
        mTitle = title;
        mParent = parent;
        mEmbeddedID = id;
        mLastNonConfigurationInstances = lastNonConfigurationInstances;
        if (voiceInteractor != null) {
            if (lastNonConfigurationInstances != null) {
                mVoiceInteractor = lastNonConfigurationInstances.voiceInteractor;
            } else {
                mVoiceInteractor = new VoiceInteractor(voiceInteractor, this, this,

                mToken, mComponent.flattenToString(),
                (info.flags & ActivityInfo.FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED) != 0);
        if (mParent != null) {
        mWindowManager = mWindow.getWindowManager();
        mCurrentConfig = config;





      本文标题:activity attach以上过程
