昨天写一点 没写完 留了个开头
格式工整 有条有序绝对不是我的初衷
今天是我和肖先生一年半纪念日 肖先生很注意这些细节
昨天写一点 没写完 留了个开头 格式工整 有条有序绝对不是我的初衷 随心就好---生活箴言 今天是我和肖先生一年半...
The First Day On the first day, I should want to see the ...
I wish I could remember the first day, First hour, first ...
I wish I could remember that first day, First hour, first...
The First Day!
first day
the first day
First day
today is the first day today is the last day
本文标题:早 the first day