

作者: 皇冠我就骑 | 来源:发表于2018-05-26 21:59 被阅读0次

The leaders of North and South Korea have met in the demilitarised border area between the two countries.

The meeting is only the second between South Korea's Moon Jae-in and the North's Kim Jong-un.

It comes as the two sides continue efforts to put a historic US-North Korea summit back on track.

On Thursday US President Donald Trump cancelled the summit, scheduled for 12 June, but later suggested it might still go ahead.

The talks were held at the northern side of the Panmunjom truce village between 15:00 and 17:00 local time (06:00 and 08:00 GMT), Mr Moon's office said.

"Both leader exchanged opinions... for the successful holding of the North Korea-US Summit," it added, saying that Mr Moon will announce the outcome of the talks on Sunday morning.

The talks between Mr Trump and Mr Kim, if they were to go ahead, would be focused on ways of denuclearising the Korean peninsula and reducing tensions.


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