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2018-06-11万科V-learn小西妈双语工程2017年03期144号谢思岩Carlos 2018-06-11万科V-learn小西妈双语工程2017年03期144号谢思岩Carlos今晚读了popcorn的小书,准备明天晚上来做爆米花,记得群里有妈妈们做过,我们明天也试试。准备了过程中用到的语言。最近开始1b第一轮备课,这次把儿歌及TPR搞定了,下面第二轮备课,会细化方案。周末的时候,给石头即兴玩了apple tree的游戏,石头很开心,语言也基本上在第一次接触就能记住。
2018-06-11万科V-learn小西妈双语工程2017年03期144号谢思岩Carlos 2018-06-11万科V-learn小西妈双语工程2017年03期144号谢思岩Carlos周末跟Allen约好了去农场采摘桃子,也提前备课,
If you are growing peach trees , you know that they require lots of sunshine. In fact , they thrive in an area where they can soak up the sunshine throughout the whole day.
When thinking about how to plant a peach tree, take good care of your soil.
When it comes to learning how to grow peaches , you need to start out with a healthy one-year-old tree that has an established root system .
A small tree that has a good root system is better than a large tree without one.
Having a good knowledge of care of peaches ia vital.
Before you plant your peach tree ,you should perform some soil care. Rake and hoe the soil until it is smooth on the surface and free from clumps and rocks.
Peach blossoms are small to medium-sized. The tree is sometimes up to 6.5m in height. The skin of a peach is an orange or yellow color, and it is covered in small hairs called peach fuzz. A peach without the fuzz called nectarine . The inside of a peach is a golden color. It tastes sweet and sticky.
有毛的 peach 桃子上面的毛叫 peach fuzz
没毛的油桃 nectarine