2019-02-14 L253 Valentine's

2019-02-14 L253 Valentine's

作者: Berry521 | 来源:发表于2019-02-14 08:43 被阅读1次

Are you ready for Valentine's Day, my fellow stargazers? Not sure if you know this, but the astrology weather will be extra charming this year, so it should be a groovy time. However, I'm going to share the advice you should follow for Valentine's Day 2019, based on your zodiac sign, because it doesn't hurt to turn to the cosmos for a little help, right? Anyway, isn't it interesting how the most romantic day of the year takes place in the midst of Aquarius season? Sounds like an oxymoron I'm sure, but interestingly enough, the water bearer thrives amongst groups of people despite its emotionally detached personality.

Something else we need to remember is, yes, Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate love, but it's also a time to celebrate friendship and acts of kindness. Granted, we all know our little sarcastic water bearers aren't the sweetest per se, then again, the term sweet is relative. However, despite their sarcastic jokes, and sporadic ghosting tendencies, this air sign has a vision, and when they take action, it's typically stems from their humanitarian spirit, and collective consciousness. Again, there's a whole other side to the history of Valentine's Day, and where it all began, but I linked in above if you're interested.

Last but certainly not least, Valentine's Day this year is going to be interesting, to say the least. Imagine, the sun in Aquarius, the moon in flirtatious Gemini, and Mars will be traveling through the first degree of Taurus! Need I say more? Now there's something else I have to point out, and it's that Venus will be in the sign of Capricorn. No offense to my mystical goats here, but Capricorn isn't the sauciest place for Venus. On the contrary, Venus in Capricorn thinks realistically, as it wants to invest time in solid goodness. As opposed to a Venus in Gemini, for instance, that prefers to keep it light, flirty, and full of variety.


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      本文标题:2019-02-14 L253 Valentine's
