iOS 猴子测试

作者: 爱自由鹏 | 来源:发表于2016-06-05 22:03 被阅读1608次


测试非常简单,本文用到了Github上的 UI AutoMonkey 来集成的,地址:


2.把 UI AutoMonkey 中的 UIAutoMonkey.js 文件里面的400多行js代码拷贝,粘贴到Automation里面。(或者直接拷贝下面的js代码)





"use strict";

function UIAutoMonkey() {
    this.config = {
        //run either by minutesToRun or numberOfEvents. Only one of these can set. (To use minutes you can use config.numberOfEvents = 0)
        //minutesToRun = 60 * 8; //sample to run for 8 hours.
        //checkTimeEvery = 60; //how often to check (in events) if minutesToRun has is used. 
        numberOfEvents: 1000,
        delayBetweenEvents: 0.05,    // In seconds
        * Sometimes the monkey can fall into UI Holes from which it it is hard to escape. The monkey may then spend an inordinate
        * amount of time in such holes, neglecting other parts of the application.
        * For example, if a parent Window P has a large image
        * and clicking on the image opens a child window C from which one exits by tapping a small X on the top right, then until that small X is
        * tapped we will remain in C. conditionHandlers offer the developer the option to periodically recognize that we are in C and press the X.
        * See buttonHandler.js for a specialized conditionHandler useful when a top level button can be used to escape from a UI hole.
        * conditionHandlers are objects that respond to the following methods:
        *  isTrue(target, eventNumber): returns True if the condition is true given target and event number eventNumber.
        *  checkEvery(): How many events should pass before we check.
        *  handle(target, mainWindow) handle the condition.
        *  isExclusive() if true then if this condition's handler is invoked then processing subsequent conditions is skipped for this particular event. This
        *    is usually set to true as it allows the condition to exit a UI hole and at that point there may be no point executing other conditions
        *  logStats() log statics using UIALogger;
        * condition handlers must have the following property
        *  statsHandleInvokedCount - the count of the number of times we were invoked

        conditionHandlers: [],
        * Unfortunately if the application is not responsive "ANR", the monkey may not notice and continue to fire events not realizing that
        * the application is stuck. When run via continuous integration users may not notice that "successful" monkey runs in fact were in an 
        * ANR state.
        * To deal with this the monkey supports ANR detection. Using an anrFingerprint function it periodically takes a fingerprint and if these
        * are identical for a specified interval then an ANR exception is thrown.
        anrSettings: {
            //fingerprintFunction defaults to false which will disable ANR fingerprinting. Otherwise set to a function that will return
            //a string. One useful idiom using tuneup.js is
            //#import tuneup.js
            //config.anrSettings.fingerprintFunction = function() {return logVisibleElementTreeJSON(false)};
            fingerprintFunction: false,
            eventsBeforeANRDeclared: 1500, //throw exception if the fingerprint hasn't changed within this number of events
            eventsBetweenSnapshots: 150, //how often (in events) to take a snapshot using the fingerprintFunction 
            debug: false //if true extra logging is made            

        // If the following line is uncommented, then screenshots are taken
        // every "n" seconds.
        //screenshotInterval: 5,

        // Events are triggered based on the relative weights here. The event
        // with this highest number gets triggered the most.
        // If you want to add your own "events", check out the event method
        // definitions below.
        eventWeights: {
            tap: 500,
            drag: 1,
            flick: 1,
            orientation: 1,
            clickVolumeUp: 1,
            clickVolumeDown: 1,
            lock: 1,
            pinchClose: 10,
            pinchOpen: 10,
            shake: 1

        // Probability that touch events will have these different properties
        touchProbability: {
            multipleTaps: 0.05,
            multipleTouches: 0.05,
            longPress: 0.05

        // Uncomment the following to restrict events to a rectangular area of
        // the screen
        frame: {
            origin: {x: 0, y: 0},
            size: {width: 100, height: 50}


    // Dismiss alerts 
    UIATarget.onAlert = function onAlert(alert) {
        var title =;
        UIALogger.logMessage('On Alert: ' + title);
        return true;

// --- --- --- ---
// Event Methods
// Any event probability in the hash above corresponds to a related event
// method below. So, a "tap" probability will trigger a "tap" method.
// If you want to add your own events, just add a probability to the hash
// above and then add a corresponding method below. Boom!
// Each event method can call any other method on this UIAutoMonkey object.
// All the methods at the end are helpers at your disposal and feel free to
// add your own.

UIAutoMonkey.prototype.allEvents = {
    tap: function() {
            { x: this.randomX(), y: this.randomY() },
                tapCount: this.randomTapCount(),
                touchCount: this.randomTouchCount(),
                duration: this.randomTapDuration()

    drag: function() {
            { x: this.randomX(), y: this.randomY() },
            { x: this.randomX(), y: this.randomY() },

    flick: function() {
            { x: this.randomX(), y: this.randomY() },
            { x: this.randomX(), y: this.randomY() }

    orientation: function() {
        var orientations = [

        var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) % orientations.length;
        var newOrientation = orientations[i];;

    clickVolumeUp: function() {;

    clickVolumeDown: function() {;

    lock: function() { * 3);

    pinchClose: function () {
            { x: this.randomX(), y: this.randomY() },
            { x: this.randomX(), y: this.randomY() },

    pinchOpen: function () {
            { x: this.randomX(), y: this.randomY() },
            { x: this.randomX(), y: this.randomY() },

    shake: function() {;

// --- --- --- ---
// Helper methods
UIAutoMonkey.prototype.RELEASE_THE_MONKEY = function() {
    // Called at the bottom of this script to, you know...
    if (this.config.minutesToRun && this.config.numberOfEvents) {
        throw "invalid configuration. You cannot define both minutesToRun and numberOfEvents"
    var conditionHandlers = this.config.conditionHandlers || []; //For legacy configs, if not present default to empty.
    var useConditionHandlers = conditionHandlers.length > 0;
    var checkTime = false;
    var localNumberOfEvents = this.config.numberOfEvents; //we may modify so we want to leave config untouched
    if (this.config.minutesToRun) {
        checkTime = true;
        localNumberOfEvents = 2000000000;
        var startTime = new Date().getTime();
        var checkTimeEvery = this.config.checkTimeEvery || 60; //number of events to pass before we check the time
    //setup anr parameters as needed
    var anrFingerprintFunction = this.config.anrSettings ? this.config.anrSettings.fingerprintFunction : false; //handle legacy settings missing this
    if (anrFingerprintFunction) {
        this.anrSnapshot = "Initial snapshot-nothing should match this!!";
        this.anrSnapshotTakenAtIndex = -1;      
        var anrEventsBetweenSnapshots = this.config.anrSettings.eventsBetweenSnapshots || 300;
        var anrDebug = this.config.anrSettings.debug;
        this.anrMaxElapsedCount = -1;
    var targetBundleId =;
    for (var i = 0; i < localNumberOfEvents; i++) {
        if (checkTime && (i % checkTimeEvery == 0)) { //check the time if needed
            var currTime = new Date().getTime();
            var elapsedMinutes = (currTime-startTime) / 60000;
            if (elapsedMinutes >= this.config.minutesToRun) {
                UIALogger.logDebug("Ending monkey after " + elapsedMinutes + " minutes run time.");
            } else {
                UIALogger.logDebug(this.config.minutesToRun - elapsedMinutes + " minutes left to run.")

        var currentBundleId =;
        if (currentBundleId !== targetBundleId) {
            UIALogger.logDebug("Ending monkey because it went outside of the tested app ('" + currentBundleId + "')");

        if (anrFingerprintFunction && (i % anrEventsBetweenSnapshots == 0)) this.anrCheck(i, anrFingerprintFunction, anrDebug);
        if (this.config.screenshotInterval) this.takeScreenShotIfItIsTime();
        if (useConditionHandlers) this.processConditionHandlers(conditionHandlers, i+1,;
    // publish stats if warranted
    if (anrFingerprintFunction) {
        UIALogger.logDebug("ANR Statistics");
        UIALogger.logDebug("ANR max event count for identical fingerprint snapshots :: events before ANR declared: " + this.anrMaxElapsedCount + " :: " + this.config.anrSettings.eventsBeforeANRDeclared);
    if (useConditionHandlers) {
        UIALogger.logDebug("ConditionHandler Statistics")
        conditionHandlers.forEach(function(aHandler) {aHandler.logStats()});
        conditionHandlers.sort(function(aHandler, bHandler) {return aHandler.statsHandleInvokedCount - bHandler.statsHandleInvokedCount});
        UIALogger.logDebug("sorted by HandleInvokedCount");
        conditionHandlers.forEach(function(aHandler) {UIALogger.logDebug(aHandler + ": " + aHandler.statsHandleInvokedCount)});

UIAutoMonkey.prototype.anrCheck = function(i, fingerprintFunction, debugFlag){

    var newSnapshot = fingerprintFunction();
    if (newSnapshot != this.anrSnapshot) {
        //all is good, we're moving along
        if (debugFlag) UIALogger.logDebug("UIAutoMonkey:anrCheck(): snapshot != for event " + i);
        this.anrSnapshot = newSnapshot;
        this.anrSnapshotTakenAtIndex = i;
    else {
        //have a match
        //for how many counts?
        var elapsedCount = i - this.anrSnapshotTakenAtIndex;
        this.anrMaxElapsedCount = Math.max(this.anrMaxElapsedCount, elapsedCount);
        UIALogger.logDebug("UIAutoMonkey:anrCheck(): snapshot == with elapsed count=" + elapsedCount);
        if (elapsedCount > this.config.anrSettings.eventsBeforeANRDeclared) {
            UIALogger.logDebug("duplicate snapshot detected" + this.anrSnapshot);
            throw "anr exception-identical after " + elapsedCount + " events";

UIAutoMonkey.prototype.processConditionHandlers = function(conditionHandlers, eventNumberPlus1, target) {
    var mainWindow = target.frontMostApp().mainWindow(); //optimization to let handlers do less work. Assumes isTrue() doesn't alter the mainWindow.
    for (var i = 0; i < conditionHandlers.length; i++) {
        var aCondition = conditionHandlers[i];
        if ((eventNumberPlus1 % aCondition.checkEvery()) != 0) {
            continue; //not yet time to process aCondition.
        try {
            var isConditionTrue = aCondition.isTrue(target, eventNumberPlus1, mainWindow);
        finally {
        if (isConditionTrue) {
                aCondition.handle(target, mainWindow);
                if (aCondition.isExclusive()) {
                } else {
                    mainWindow = target.frontMostApp().mainWindow(); //could be stale


UIAutoMonkey.prototype.triggerRandomEvent = function() {
    var name = this.chooseEventName();
    // Find the event method based on the name of the event
    var event = this.allEvents[name];
}; = function() {
    // Return the local target.
    return UIATarget.localTarget();

UIAutoMonkey.prototype.delay = function(seconds) {
    // Delay the target by `seconds` (can be a fraction)
    // Defaults to setting in configuration
    seconds = seconds || this.config.delayBetweenEvents;;

UIAutoMonkey.prototype.chooseEventName = function() {
    // Randomly chooses an event name from the `eventsWeight` dictionary
    // based on the given weights.
    var calculatedEventWeights = [];
    var totalWeight = 0;
    var events = this.config.eventWeights;
    for (var event in events) {
        if (events.hasOwnProperty(event)) {
                weight: events[event]+totalWeight,
                event: event
            totalWeight += events[event];

    var chosenWeight = Math.random() * 1000 % totalWeight;

    for (var i = 0; i < calculatedEventWeights.length; i++) {
        if (chosenWeight < calculatedEventWeights[i].weight) {
            return calculatedEventWeights[i].event;

    throw "No even was chosen!";

UIAutoMonkey.prototype.screenWidth = function() {
    // Need to adjust by one to stay within rectangle
    return - 1;

UIAutoMonkey.prototype.screenHeight = function() {
    // Need to adjust by one to stay within rectangle
    return - 1;

UIAutoMonkey.prototype.randomX = function() {
    var min, max;   

    if (this.config.frame){
        // Limits coordinates to given frame if set in config
        min = this.config.frame.origin.x;
        max = this.config.frame.size.width + min;
    } else {
        // Returns a random X coordinate within the screen rectangle
        min = 0;
        max = this.screenWidth();

    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min) + 1;

UIAutoMonkey.prototype.randomY = function() {
    var min, max;

    if (this.config.frame){
        // Limits coordinates to given frame if set in config
        min = this.config.frame.origin.y;
        max = this.config.frame.size.height + min;
    } else {
        // Returns a random Y coordinate within the screen rectangle
        min = 0;
        max = this.screenHeight();

    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min) + 1;

UIAutoMonkey.prototype.randomTapCount = function() {
    // Calculates a tap count for tap events based on touch probabilities
    if (this.config.touchProbability.multipleTaps > Math.random()) {
        return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) % 3 + 1;
    else return 1;

UIAutoMonkey.prototype.randomTouchCount = function() {
    // Calculates a touch count for tap events based on touch probabilities
    if (this.config.touchProbability.multipleTouches > Math.random()) {
        return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) % 3 + 1;
    else return 1;

UIAutoMonkey.prototype.randomTapDuration = function() {
    // Calculates whether or not a tap should be a long press based on
    // touch probabilities
    if (this.config.touchProbability.longPress > Math.random()) {
        return 0.5;
    else return 0;

UIAutoMonkey.prototype.randomRadians = function() {
    // Returns a random radian value
    return Math.random() * 10 % (3.14159 * 2);

UIAutoMonkey.prototype.takeScreenShotIfItIsTime = function() {
    var now = (new Date()).valueOf();
    if (!this._lastScreenshotTime) this._lastScreenshotTime = 0;

    if (now - this._lastScreenshotTime > this.config.screenshotInterval * 1000) {
        var filename = "monkey-" + (new Date()).toISOString().replace(/[:\.]+/g, "-");;
        this._lastScreenshotTime = now;

// If you want to control when the monkey is released please follow the pattern in the SampleCustomization folder. In brief you want to set a global
// as set in SetGlobals.js, but due to Apple's javascript implementation you cannot simply set it before you import UIAutoMonkey.js.
if (typeof UIAutoMonkeyClientWillReleaseTheMonkey == 'undefined' || !UIAutoMonkeyClientWillReleaseTheMonkey) {
    // the variable is not defined or it's defined and false
    UIALogger.logDebug("Releasing the monkey directly from UIAutoMonkey"); //explain why it was released to aid in problem resolution.
    (new UIAutoMonkey()).RELEASE_THE_MONKEY();


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  • iOS开发周立贺: monkey基于XCUITesting ,可以看看我的
  • e481c7a7a4ec:我的意思是你的那个测试的项目源码,就是你的那个支付宝项目
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    爱自由鹏:@xiao66guo Xcode 8已经没有Automation这个自动化测试了,之前Xcode版本集成这个自动化很简单,就是把上面所有的js代码拷贝到Automation,运行就可以了,你的模拟器就会模拟随机点击测试效果
  • 戒惜舍得:诚求大神,开源一个 测试方面比较全的 github项目,如果有注释就更好了,再结合您的项目博客,我想这个github 项目的星星一定会 快速上涨。 别人抢了呢,大神行动吧。
    戒惜舍得:@爱自由鹏 给力,好的,坐等github.
    爱自由鹏:@戒惜舍得 我单元测试练的还不到位,有机会我再整理放到github上
  • 麦穗0615:Xcoed8是不是,做不了猴子测试,貌似没有那个自动化按钮,求解
    爱自由鹏:@_正阳_ xcode 8删掉了Automation,看后续苹果会出现什么好的自动化测试吧
    麦穗0615:@无柳先生 我也是,求解--:smile:不好意思
    风华正茂回谋一笑:@_正阳_ Xcode8不知道为什么没有Automation,然后我又去下载了Xcode7.3,于是xcode7和xcode8冲突,最后GG

本文标题:iOS 猴子测试
