我的梦想 3-5min

作者: LindaGE | 来源:发表于2016-09-10 23:37 被阅读27次

what is your dream, I was asked this question once I could speak.

My mum was a doctor in the countryside, every day, I saw a lot of patients coming to my mum with different sickness. I was so curious about why the human beings will become ill. So I got my dream. That is to become a medical scientist to detect the root  cause of sickness. I dreamed to change the human being, to change the world.

But when I tried to select my major in the university. My teach told me that that is not possible to detect the root cause of illness even if I could  choose the medical science as my major.  The most possible result will be that I will become a dorctor as my mum or become a nurse. Oh no, that is not my dream. My dream is to make some thing big.  

"We don't have any our own engine yet in the aircraft made by China. Our technology is too low" some of my classmates were discussing about their hobby, airplan for fun. But for me that is some thing changed my dream for serious.  

I got another dream. That is to design and build our own engine for the aircraft, I dreamed to change our country. So I entered Beihang University and chooses the aircraft engine as my major.  But the more I studied in this major, the more I realized that I can not change the situation in our aircraft engine field. I even could not find that good job for the engine design and making After I graduated from the university.

But I need a job to feed myself,

I finally joined in a small Germany company in a small town called Taicang, This company does not produce aircraft engineer, but produce small springs.  I quickly find the company is not good enough as I expected, the company culture did not fit me.

So I got another dream, That is to change the company to build a good company culture in my mind. But even more quick, I realized, that was not possible either.  I could not change the company culture, but was being changed  by the company culture.

After I got my daughter, my dreams then was changed again. That was to cultivate her to an excellent and elegant lady.  I then sent her to learn the Chinese Zither, to learn painting, to learn chess... I then trained her how to eat, how to stand, how to walk, how to speak elegantly. But quickly I realized that did not work at all. She did not grow as what we trained her, she just is becoming more and more like me.

Suddenly, I realize, the only think I can and should change is myself. I should love myself more, I should improve myself more, I should  change myself to the one which I want she be.

Then I began to change, I began to learn painting with her, began to keep practice to correct my humpback problem, to keep good figure as an elegant lady, began to improve my communication skill....

Surprised to me is that, after I changed myself, my daughter was also moving to the similar direction as I am being.

Now, I know, what is my dream. That is to love myself, to improve myself to be better.

Then it is maybe possible that I can influence my daughter, I can influence the people around me, I can then influence some company culture. Or maybe finally something in our country or something in the world.

Love myself to, Me, but better.

That is my dream.

What is yours?


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    本文标题:我的梦想 3-5min
