
作者: 忘仙 | 来源:发表于2016-08-22 11:03 被阅读460次
从今天开始,如果时间允许,将会把http://learnopengl.com/ 内容进行翻译。英语水平有限,翻译的不准确的地方,希望大家斧正。关于OpenGL,共同学习,共同进步。

Welcome to OpenGL


Welcome to my humble attempt to facilitate a well-developed teaching platform for the graphics API called OpenGL. Whether you are trying to learn OpenGL for academic purposes, to pursue a career or simply looking for a hobby, this site will teach you the basics, the intermediate and all the advanced knowledge using modern (core-profile) OpenGL. The aim of LearnOpenGL is to show you all there is to modern OpenGL in an easy-to-understand fashion with clear examples, while also providing a useful reference for later studies.

欢迎来到这个平台来学习一种成熟的图形API叫做OpenGL。不管你学习OpenGL是出于学术目的,或者追求事业或只是寻找一种爱好,这个网站会教你modern OpenGL的基本知识、中级和高级知识。LearnOpenGL的目的是向你们用一个易于理解的方式(比如详细的示例)来展示modern OpenGL,同时也为后来的学习提供一些参考。

So why read these tutorials?


Throughout the internet there are thousands of documents and resources on learning OpenGL, however, most of these resources are only focussed on OpenGL's immediate mode (commonly referred to as the old OpenGL) or are incomplete, lack proper documentation or are not suited for your learning preferences. Therefore, my aim is to provide a platform that is both complete and easy to understand.

互联网有成千上万的文件和资源来学习OpenGL,然而这些资源大多只关注OpenGL的即时模式(通常称为old OpenGL)或不完整模式,但都缺乏适当的文档或者就不适合学习。因此,我的目标是提供一个平台,完整又容易理解方式来学习OpenGL。

Image of smiling textured containers in OpenGL


If you enjoy reading tutorials that provide step-by-step instructions, clear examples and that won't throw you in the deep with millions of details, these tutorials are probably for you. The tutorials aim to be understandable for people without any graphics programming experience, but are still interesting to read for the more experienced users. The tutorials also discusses practical concepts that, with some added creativity, could turn your ideas into real 3D applications. If all of the previous sounds like someone that could be you, then by all means, please continue.


What will you learn?


The focus of the tutorials are on Modern OpenGL. Learning (and using) modern OpenGL requires a strong knowledge of graphics programming and how OpenGL operates under the hood to really get the best of your experience. So we will start by discussing core graphics aspects, how OpenGL actually draws pixels to your screen and how we can abuse that knowledge to create some funky looking effects.

教程的重点在于Modern OpenGL。学习和使用Modern OpenGL需要扎实的图形编程知识,OpenGL如何运作在引擎盖下面带给你最好的体验。所以我们将首先讨论核心图形方面的知识以及OpenGL如何将像素绘制到屏幕上。我们可以用这些知识创造一些绚丽的效果。

Aside from the core knowledge we will discuss many useful techniques that you can use for your applications like walking through your scenes, create beautiful lighting, load custom-made objects from a modelling program, do cool post-processing techniques and much more. Over time, we will also feature walkthrough tutorials where we actually create small games based on our obtained OpenGL knowledge, so you will really get a feel of what it's like to actually do graphics programming.


Update 07-08-2016: At the moment I'm working on an educational graphics engine (that will be part of a graphics engine tutorial) meant to serve as an educational tool for people wanting to learn how to build a complete graphics engine and for myself to fully understand some of the more recent render techniques. Building such an engine helps me develop the resources and knowledge I need for further tutorials down the line (such as IBL, SH, PBR). For this reason (and the fact that it's difficult to find spare time for me now) there haven't been much new tutorials lately. The moment the graphics engine is built, I'll fully devote myself to writing new tutorials again (and set up the Patreon account I've mentioned).

更新于07-08-2016:此刻我正在做一个教育图形引擎(这将图形引擎的一部分教程)旨在作为一个教育工具,来教用户学习如何构建一个完整的图形引擎这是我自己所理解的一些最新的渲染技术。建立这样一个引擎有助于增加我的资源和知识为进一步的教程(如IBL SH,PBR)服务。因此(事实上,对我来说现在很难找到空闲时间)最近没有新的教程。图形引擎建立完成的那一刻,我将全身心的投入自己编写新的教程(我提到过的设置Patreon帐户)。

Best of luck in your OpenGL adventures!


Update 11-05-2016: It's been ages, but I've finally been able to release a new tutorial: the debugging tutorial in the In practice section is now available to everyone. I've also built a new code viewer that directly takes the source code from the GitHub repository. This is great as this means the GitHub code directly corresponds to the tutorial code. All new tutorials will use the new code viewer, and I'll slowly start moving the older code to the new code viewer as well.


Update 21-04-2016: I just updated the website a little with some small layout changes and updated the page loading routine to fix a few little bugs. I've been quite busy lately, but I plan to slowly get back on track to writing new tutorials again. I'll likely be setting up a Patreon page soon so that I could perhaps take a day off from my day-to-day job to fully focus on writing tutorials. Expect new stuff soon; happy learning!



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