

作者: 奕塾 | 来源:发表于2018-10-19 14:43 被阅读4次

    Robots with eyes and brains reshaping manufacturing, says Solomon Technology chairman@DIGITIMES

    Industrial robots have been employed at car factories for many years, but robots are beginning to have a bigger influence on people's daily lives, as they now have eyes (enabled by 3D vision) and brains (artificial intelligence, AI) to have recognition capability and become smart and thuse are fundamentally changing manufacturing industries, said Johnny Chen, chairman of Solomon Technology.

    工业机器人已经在汽车工厂工作多年,但机器人开始对人们的日常生活产生更大的影响,因为他们现在有眼睛(由3D视觉启用)和大脑(人工智能,AI)具有识别能力,变得聪明,这些从根本上改变了制造业。所罗门科技公司(Solomon Technology)董事长Johnny Chen说。

    Aging populations and rising labor cost are spurring manufacturing industries to upgrade to smart manufacturing, letting robots do highly repeated, low value-added, labor-consuming and dangerous jobs. However, the major challenge to boosting competitiveness is breakthrough in eye (3D vision), brain (AI), hand (robotic arm) and foot (automated guided vehicle, AGV) technologies as well as integration and application of these technologies, Chen analyzed.


    For industrial automation in the past, robots at most factories were used to undertake monotonous duties because they lacked the intelligence and sensing ability that human workers have, Chen noted. Along with development of AI and 3D vision technologies, robots are becoming smarter and more capable, Chen indicated. Significantly different from traditional industrial robots, smart and vision-enabled robots can be used as real assistants in manufacturing industries of semiconductors, precision devices, biomedical products and electronics to undertake inspection/detection, scanning, size measurement, recognition, picking and placement of components and assembly, Chen said.


    It is difficult to use AOI (automated optical inspection) to detect defects of irregular shapes (such as scratches, stains and fissures), but machine vision based on deep learning can solve the problem, Chen noted, adding that Solomon has developed AI-based machine vision software Solvision for the purpose.


    For machine vision to recognize defects, deep learning does the job without lengthy and complicated programming and the machines only need to learn several samples with marks representing types of defects. In case there are many types of defects and it is unable to know all types of defects, software based on unsupervised learning technology can be used to detect such defects. The technology lets the software learn only what golden samples are, allowing it recognize the difference between a golden sample and an item with some defect rather than teaching the software to know every defect.


    It is necessary for 3D vision software used in robots to be easy to operate and program and equipped with personalized user interfaces as well as applicable to 6-axis robots or SCARAs (selective compliance assembly robot arms) developed by main international vendors, Chen said. Denmark-based Universal Robots, a developer of collaborative robots, has adopted such 3D vision software.

    Chen说,机器人中使用的3D视觉软件必须易于操作和编程,并配备个性化的用户界面,以及适用于主要国际供应商开发的6轴机器人或SCARA(选择性合规装配机器人手臂)。总部位于丹麦的协作机器人开发商Universal Robots采用了这种3D视觉软件。

    Smart and vision-enabled robots are eventually aimed to collaborate with human workers and independently work at factories as well, Chen noted. Modularized IMS (intelligent manufacturing systems) feature flexible and seamless integration of AI solutions, 3D vision solutions, robotic arms, IoT (Internet of Things) networks and AGVs through users' choosing modules from IMS based on their needs to realize smart manufacturing.




