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作者: 何年何月 | 来源:发表于2016-11-27 11:20 被阅读1217次


NO . 1##

Information Needed
We began the review of your app but are not able to continue because we need access to a video that demonstrates your app in use on an iOS device, showing the app:
- playing audio while the app is in the background
- using persistent location data while the app is in the background

To provide a link to a demo video:
- Log in to iTunes Connect
- Click on "My Apps"
- Select your app
- Click on the app version on the left side of the screen
- Scroll down to "App Review Information"
- Provide demo video access details in the "Notes" section
- Click "Save"
- Once you've completed all changes, click the "Submit for Review" button at the top of the App Version Information page.
Once this information is available, we can continue with the review of your app.






NO . 2##

Performance - 2.5.4
Your app uses the Location Background mode but does not include the required "battery use" disclaimer in your app description.

Next Steps

Please add the following disclaimer to your Application Description:

"Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life."


Since your iTunes Connect Application State is Metadata Rejected, we do NOT require a new binary. To revise the metadata, visit iTunes Connect to select your app and revise the desired metadata values. Once you’ve completed all changes, reply to this message in Resolution Center and we will continue the review.

NOTE: Please be sure to make any metadata changes to all App Localizations by selecting each specific localization and making appropriate changes.





NO . 3##

From Apple
*       ngRepeat: rejectionReason in message.qcRejectionReasons
*       end ngRepeat: rejectionReason in message.qcRejectionReasons
*       end ngRepeat: rejectionReason in message.qcRejectionReasons
Performance - 2.5.4
Your app declares support for audio in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist, but we were unable to play any audible content when the application was running in the background.

Your app declares support for audio in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist but did not include features that require persistent audio.

Next Steps

The audio key is intended for use by apps that provide audible content to the user while in the background, such as music player or streaming audio apps. Please revise your app to provide audible content to the user while the app is in the background or remove the "audio" setting from the UIBackgroundModes key.
Design Preamble

Your app includes an update button or alerts the user to update the app. To avoid user confusion, app version updates must utilize the iOS built-in update mechanism. 
We've attached screenshot(s) for your reference.

Next Steps

Please remove the update feature from your app. To distribute a new version of your app, upload the new app binary version into the same iTunes Connect record you created for the app's previous version. Updated versions keep the same Apple ID, iTunes Connect ID (SKU), and bundle ID as the original version, and are available free to customers who purchased a previous version. 


To create new versions of your app, please see Replacing Your App with a New Version in the iTunes Connect Developer Guide.

Additional Information
If you have difficulty reproducing a reported issue, please try testing the workflow described in Technical Q&A QA1764: How to reproduce bugs reported against App Store submissions.
If you have code-level questions after utilizing the above resources, you may wish to consult with Apple Developer Technical Support. When the DTS engineer follows up with you, please be ready to provide:
- complete details of your rejection issue(s)
- screenshots- steps to reproduce the issue(s)
- symbolicated crash logs 
- if your issue results in a crash log
*       ngRepeat: token in message.tokens





NO . 4##

 Apps or metadata that mentions the name of any other mobile platform will be rejected
10.6 - Apple and our customers place a high value on simple, refined, creative, well thought through interfaces. They take more work but are worth it. Apple sets a high bar. If your user interface is complex or less than very good, it may be rejected
Information Needed
Program License Agreement
PLA 1.2

We found that the Seller and Artist names associated with your app does not reflect the name, "中国联通," in the app and/or its name and metadata.

To be appropriate for the App Store, your app must be published under a Seller name and Artist name that reflects 中国联通, as required by the Apple Developer Program License Agreement.

Section 1.2: 
"You" and "Your" means and refers to the person(s) or legal entity (whether the company, organization, educational institution, or governmental agency, instrumentality, or department) using the Apple Software or otherwise exercising rights under this Agreement. For the sake of clarity, You may authorize contractors to develop Applications on Your behalf, but any such Applications must be submitted under Your developer account.

The Seller name is your Vendor Content Provider name in iTunes Connect. For information on how to address this issue, please contact Developer Program Support or by phone.

The Artist name is the Company name in iTunes Connect. For information on how to address this issue, please contact iTunes Connect Contact Us.

PLA 3.2

We also found that your app or its metadata includes information and resources about jailbreaking, which does not comply with the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.

Specifically, PLA section 3.2 specifies:

"3.2 (e) You will not, through use of Apple Software, services or otherwise, create any Application or other program that would disable, hack or otherwise interfere with the Security Solution, or any security, digital signing, digital rights management, verification or authentication mechanisms implemented in or by the iPhone operating system software, iPod touch operating system software, this Apple Software, any services or other Apple software or technology, or enable others to do so."

To be in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines, please revise your app - and its metadata, including, but not limited to, the application description and keywords - to remove all references and resources related to jailbreaking.

10.6 Details  

Next, your app includes an update button or alerts the user to update the app. To avoid user confusion, app version updates must utilize the iOS built-in update mechanism. 

We’ve attached screenshot(s) for your reference. 

Next Steps

Please remove the update feature from your app. To distribute a new version of your app, upload the new app binary version into the same iTunes Connect record you created for the app’s previous version. Updated versions keep the same Apple ID, iTunes Connect ID (SKU), and bundle ID as the original version, and are available free to customers who purchased a previous version. 


To create new versions of your app, please see Replacing Your App with a New Version in the iTunes Connect Developer Guide. 

3.1 Details

Then, we noticed that your app contains irrelevant platform information in the marketing screenshots. Referencing third-party platforms in your app or its metadata is not appropriate on the App Store.

We’ve attached screenshot(s) for your reference.

Next Steps

Please remove any instances of this information from your app and its marketing materials, including the Application Description, What's New info, Previews and screenshots.

Since your iTunes Connect Application State is Rejected, a new binary will be required. Make the desired metadata changes when you upload the new binary.

Information Needed

Lastly, we also need additional information about your app.

At your earliest opportunity, please review the following question(s) and provide as much detailed information as you can. The more information you can provide upfront, the sooner we can complete your review.

- how does the app collect information of the activities such as "apps installed/internet browsing history" from the (孩子) children's device?

Once you reply to this message in Resolution Center with the requested information, we can proceed with your review.






4、上传的时候有一个选项是问是否有广告 我们选择了否 但是代码里却有这个类 和打印 ,所以还没提交 苹果就直接给拒绝了.所以以后上架APP建议最好是先自我检查一下.

NO . 5##

2017年10月18日 上午8:10
发件人 Apple
4. 2 Design: Minimum Functionality
Guideline 4.2 - Design - Minimum Functionality

Your app provides a limited user experience as it is not sufficiently different from a mobile browsing experience. As such, the experience it provides is similar to the general experience of using Safari. Including iOS features such as push notifications, Core Location, and sharing do not provide a robust enough experience to be appropriate for the App Store.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please revise your app to provide a more robust user experience by including additional native iOS functionality.

If you cannot - or choose not to - revise your app to be in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines, you may wish to build an HTML5 web app instead. You can distribute web apps directly on your web site; the App Store does not accept or distribute web apps.

For more information about creating web apps, refer to the Configuring Web Applications section of the Safari Web Content Guide.

For a description of the HTML elements and attributes you can use in Safari on iPhone, check out Safari HTML Reference: Introduction.

HTML5打的ipa包申请App Store被拒,苹果建议去浏览器中体验。



[3、App 被拒大全][3]


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