Euphemism 婉转语
Genteelism 雅语
Understatement 低调表达/轻描淡写
“Passed away” is an euphemism for “died”.
“离世了”是“死亡了”的婉转语。“downsizing” is an euphemism for “layoffs”.
“机构精简”是“裁员”的婉转语。Euphemism 是特指把坏的说得好听一点。如果要把好的说得轻度一点,不叫 euphemism。
把好的故意说得轻度一点,那样的修辞法是 understatement, 不过 understatement 同时也可以用在把坏的说轻一点。例子:
- I asked him how my braised pork tasted and he said it was eatable. But, from the way he smacked his lips, I guess he meant it as an understatement.
我问他我的红烧肉味道如何,他说可以吃。 但是,从他吧唧嘴的样子,我猜他是故意低调表达吧。
- It is an understatement to say that you took my money; the fact is, you stole it!
说你“拿了”我的钱是太轻描淡写了; 事实是,你“偷了”我的钱!Genteelism 是把粗俗或一般的词语说得高雅一点,比如以千金代表(别人的)女儿,以伉俪代表夫妇等等。
Edible 可食用
Eatable 可以吃
起初这两个字是同义的,可以互换使用。后来随着人们的使用习惯,它们慢慢有了不同的用途。 如今,如果说某物是 edible 的,意思是说这东西可安全食用。如果说某物是 eatable 的,通常意思是说这东西的口味(勉强)还行,具有(起码的)“可吃性”,好像文章之所谓“可读性”。
The sensitive plants are growing wildly in my garden. Unfortunately they are not edible.
我园里的含羞草真是疯长着。可惜它们不能食用啊。Mom: Hey son, I decide to cook those yellow leaves for dinner; I heard they are edible.
Son: Oh mom, edible doesn’t mean eatable; it’s better we order KFC takeaway.
儿子:妈呀,可食用未必就吞得下,还是叫 KFC 外卖吧!
schadenfreude 幸灾乐祸(名词)
gloat 幸灾乐祸/沾沾自喜/得意洋洋(动词)
schadenfreude 是英文向德文借过来用的字,有借无还那种,像另一字 kindergarten (幼儿园) 那样。
schadenfreude 在 1800s 中期的英语语言研究中首次被提及,但是直到 1980s 才被大众使用。例子:
Jeremy had a feeling of schadenfreude when his ex-wife’s second marriage failed.
当杰瑞米的前妻二婚失败了的时候,他感到一阵幸灾乐祸。Ever since she got married to a rich man, she has been gloating about it continually.
自从她嫁给了一个富人,她便没完没了地沾沾自喜。Friends will not gloat over your misfortune, at least not outwardly.
我放的音频是 schadenfreude 的读音,有美式发音,英式发音,澳大利亚发音和威尔士发音。(希望此文对某些朋友有帮助。)