20190407 关于利用aptamer在血清中检测特定物质的1

20190407 关于利用aptamer在血清中检测特定物质的1

作者: 罗昭锋 | 来源:发表于2019-04-07 22:50 被阅读0次


罗昭锋 20190407





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1 Alvarez-Martos, I., Moller, A. & Ferapontova, E. E. Dopamine Binding and Analysis in Undiluted Human Serum and Blood by the RNA-Aptamer Electrode. ACS Chem Neurosci 10, 1706-1715, doi:10.1021/acschemneuro.8b00616 (2019).


2 Wu, Y. et al. Ultrasensitive and high specific detection of non-small-cell lung cancer cells in human serum and clinical pleural effusion by aptamer-based fluorescence spectroscopy. Talanta 179, 501-506, doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2017.11.029 (2018).


3 Su, Y. et al. Extraction and detection of bisphenol A in human serum and urine by aptamer-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles. Anal Bioanal Chem 410, 1885-1891, doi:10.1007/s00216-017-0801-0 (2018).


4 Alsager, O. A., Alotaibi, K. M., Alswieleh, A. M. & Alyamani, B. J. Colorimetric Aptasensor of Vitamin D3: A Novel Approach to Eliminate Residual Adhesion between Aptamers and Gold Nanoparticles. Sci Rep 8, 12947, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-31221-y (2018).


5 Lee, B. H., Nguyen, V. T. & Gu, M. B. Highly sensitive detection of 25-HydroxyvitaminD3 by using a target-induced displacement of aptamer. Biosens Bioelectron 88, 174-180, doi:10.1016/j.bios.2016.08.011 (2017).


6 Yang, X. et al. Determination of free tryptophan in serum with aptamer--comparison of two aptasensors. Talanta 131, 672-677, doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2014.08.023 (2015).


7 Shi, H. et al. Locked nucleic acid/DNA chimeric aptamer probe for tumor diagnosis with improved serum stability and extended imaging window in vivo. Anal Chim Acta 812, 138-144, doi:10.1016/j.aca.2013.12.023 (2014).

这篇文章主要介绍通过修饰来增加DNA aptamer在血清中的稳定性。半衰期由0.5小时延长到5小时。主要是LNA和3'-3'-胸苷(3'-3'-T)加帽。

8 Ge, J., Liu, Z. F. & Zhao, X. S. Cocaine Detection in Blood Serum Using Aptamer Biosensor on Gold Nanoparticles and Progressive Dilution. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 30, 2023-2028, doi:10.1002/cjoc.201200256 (2012).


9 Bruno, J. G., Carrillo, M. P., Phillips, T. & Edge, A. Serum inverts and improves the fluorescence response of an aptamer beacon to various vitamin D analytes. Luminescence 27, 51-58, doi:10.1002/bio.1324 (2012).

文章发现具有light up效应的aptamer,当用于血清中检测时,出现 light off效应。作者推测可能是肌酸酐和尿素的原因,但实验结果认为不是肌酸酐和尿素所致。说明血清中还有很多未知的干扰物存在。

10 Huang, P. J. & Liu, J. Flow cytometry-assisted detection of adenosine in serum with an immobilized aptamer sensor. Anal Chem 82, 4020-4026, doi:10.1021/ac9028505 (2010).




      本文标题:20190407 关于利用aptamer在血清中检测特定物质的1
