《How To Learn Any Language》翻译练习连

《How To Learn Any Language》翻译练习连

作者: 一早吗 | 来源:发表于2017-01-31 19:49 被阅读10次

Hidden Moments(1)


They taught us in the fable of the tortoise and the hare so early, most of us dismissed it as a children’s tale and ignored the powerful lesson it contains: Others may be brighter. Others may learn quicker and retain more. Yet whosoever keeps on plodding relentlessly toward the goal of mastering another language, though his gifts be dim, stands a better chance than the unmotivated genius whose dazzle ignited so much envy in high school Spanish class.


Harnessing your hidden moments, those otherwise meaningless scraps of time you’d normally never think of putting to any practical use, and using them for language study – even if it’s no more than fifteen, ten, or five seconds at a time – can turn you into a triumphant tortoise.



By now you’re slogging your way through the grammar and enjoying it more (or suffering it less) than you did in college because you no longer feel obliged to dwell upon a knotty point until you understand it before moving forward. You will not fail a test or risk a bad grade if you abandon some grammatical black hole that tries to swallow you, and move on ahead.


You’re battling your way through the foreign language newspaper, your slow progress mitigated by the awareness that this is the real world and the daily language won’t get any tougher than that text.


You’re cherry picking through your phrase book, learning how to say practical things in your target language and rehearsing all those precious phrases as though they were your part in a play.


Your cassettes are beginning to bore you without teaching you a great deal (yet).

You’re amassing a flash card collection.

By now you’ve probably met someone from the country whose language you’re learning and, like a rookie cop about to make his first collar, you risked your ego by attempting a greeting. He laughed appreciatively – and answered you in English.




Hidden moments will heal your deficiencies soon enough, but first let’s talk about the unhidden moments, the study time you’ve arranged to commit to your endeavour. This book is written for those who can’t or don’t want to expend the time or money required to attend formal classes. Successful self teaching is our objective. If you can

take a whole hour every day and devote it to your studies, you’re in excellent position to make satisfying, even dramatic, progress. If you can devote a half hour a day, you’re still poised for success.

If you can’t commit a regular block of time, if the best you can do is an hour here, a half hour there, and maybe a three hour block of time over the weekend, that’s satisfactory, provided you keep it up and maintain momentum.


Gardens unattained go to weed. Apples bitten into and abandoned turn brown. Likewise, your collection of language data – words, phrases, rules, and idioms – will dissolve into a useless mass if not kept up.

Apportion as much time as you reasonably can and as regularly as you can, and then enjoy the magic as the hidden moments kick in.





    本文标题:《How To Learn Any Language》翻译练习连
