2019-03-10 I Want to be Like Bra

作者: 随机运动 | 来源:发表于2019-03-10 08:21 被阅读0次

    Have you ever heard a phrase "I want to like Mike"? It was an old TV ad. And that "Mike" was Michael Jordan, of course. He was a role model for many young kids in his prime and way afterwards. Tom Brady, on the other hand, is a NFL superstar quarterback. He and his team, the New England Patriots, just won this year's Superbowl championship, again. How many time they won the championship with him as the quarterback? 6 times! This is an impossible record to break for the other. Some great NFL legend fought their whole career and didn't even get one, such as Dan Marino of the Miami Dolphins.

    But what I am interested is not Tom Brady's NFL winning record. It is how he maintains his physical conditions in his top shape at the age 40 and still being so competitive in the young men's games. The American football games are very entertaining but also very dangerous. Consider this, the average NFL player career would last less than 5 years due to the high intensity and injuries. The very good players at the quarterback position would play for more than 10 years. But Brady has played for more than 25 years!

    Like many other successful NFL quarterbacks, Brady makes outrageous amount of money year after year. He can afford an army of doctors, physical therapists and trainers. Us regular mortals can't match the resources he has available. But one of his training methods that caused my attention was the using resistance rubber bands for strength training in addition to many others.

    One of the main advantages of this method is that it reduces the risk of injury during training for more "matured" athletes. This is a training method that we all can benefit. I have bought quite a few of those resistance rubber bands from sports equipment stores. Right now I am doing these exercises every morning. I want to be like him, not that he makes 30 $million a year, not the trophy wife he has married to, not the fame of NFL championships, but his perseverance and his respect to his profession.



        本文标题:2019-03-10 I Want to be Like Bra
