SPE学术翻译 QQ:3398234353
句子衔接与连贯问题英语重“形合”,语篇的衔接与连贯主要靠完整的句法形式和各种显性功能词来体现,如连接代词、连接副词、关系代词和关系副词等。而汉语重“意合”,衔接与连贯是靠叙事的事理逻辑和意境等隐性关系来实现(祝朝伟 2003)。受母语表达习惯的影响,中国作者写作的英文论文常缺少连贯和衔接,读者需要根据上下文推断逻辑关系。
误例:Rapiddetection is the most prominent advantage of this method; the sample detectionstep can be finished within 15 min.
改为:Rapiddetection is the most prominent advantage of this method, as the sampledetection step can be finished within 15 min.
误例:In 1971,Folkman reported the theory of angiopoiesis, which states that if there is noblood vessel, tumor diameters will not exceed 2-3 mm. A great deal of researchhas been focused on anti-angiogenic therapies.
改为:In 1971,Folkman reported the theory of angiopoiesis, which states that if there is noblood vessel, tumor diameters will not exceed 2-3 mm. Since then, a great dealof research has been focused on anti-angiogenic therapies.
本例第一句提到“ Folkman 报道了血管生成理论”,第二句话突然跳转到谈论“抗血管生成疗法的研究情况”。若在第二句前加上时间标记“ Since then ” ( 自本理论报道以来 ) ,则可使读者快速明白前后两句间的逻辑关系,且更符合英语“形合”的特点。
说起连贯性,不得不提及写作的逻辑性,如果一篇文章读下来如行云流水,中间没有卡顿,审稿人不必要停下来揣摩其意思,必然会加分不少。作者的重要职责之一就是确保引导读者紧跟表达的逻辑流(logic flow)并准确理解每句话的意思。下面,我们也总结出一些重要的写作逻辑梳理策略,并且用具体的列子来说明表达的逻辑连贯性是怎样一步一步提高的。
例句1:Besides spatial distribution, the occurrence of eruption over a defined period is widely considered as an important factor to assess the performance of these mitigative measures.
例句2– 版本A:1Depression is more than just feeling bad. 2It may become a serious health condition when long-lasting and with moderate or severe intensity. 3It can cause the affected person to suffer greatly and function poorly. 4It is a common illness, with a lifetime prevalence of 20% in women and 12% in men.
你是否发现句4所表达的信息要比其他句子更加概括呢?而且读起来感觉逻辑上没有那么顺畅? 因为第一句话描述了depression的性状,第二句和第三句讲了它可能导致的结果,而第四句则是对depression的一个总体描述。如果我们把第4句放在最前面,整段的前后逻辑就会连贯的多:
例句2– 版本B:1Depression is a common illness, with a lifetime prevalence of 20% in women and 12% in men. 2It is more than just feeling bad. 3It may become a serious health condition when long-lasting and with moderate or severe intensity. 4It can cause the affected person to suffer greatly and function poorly.
例句3 – 版本A: Micro structures have surfaces areas which are several orders of magnitude larger than traditional ones for the same volume. The energy efficiency of industrial heat exchangers is improved through extended heat transfer area of these surfaces.
例句3 – 版本B: Micro structures have surfaces areas which are several orders of magnitude larger than traditional ones for the same volume. These surfaces improve the energy efficiency of industrial heat exchangers through extended heat transfer area.
读者往往会发现版本B读起来更加顺畅。当读者读到上面任一版本的第二句的时候,他们已经知道第一句所表达的全部信息。因此第一句的信息可以视为已知的信息。在版本A中,读者只有读到第二句后半部分的时候才找到这个已知的信息,即these surfaces。第二句一开始都是新信息,这样的写作不符合把已知信息置于新信息之前的原则。这样的逻辑结构读者读起来会感到困难和不顺。相反,在版本B中,第二句句首是已知的信息,后面才是新信息,这样的逻辑安排就要顺畅很多。
策略4: 利用句子最前面的7-9个单词建立旧信息与新信息之间的衔接。继续以例句3作为例子,在版本A中,读者需要耐着性子读15个单词才能找到新旧信息之间的衔接,而在版本B中,前两个单词就已经表明了这种衔接。在句子的前7-9个单词里面建立这种新旧信息的衔接可以显著增强写作的可读性,读者理解起来更加容易和舒服。
例句4– 版本A:The quantity and quality of the information sources, the means through which it is spread, and the audience of the information are important paramenters of making marketing plans.
例句4– 版本B:The important paramenters of making marketing plans are the quantity and quality of the information sources, the means through which it is spread, and the audience of the information.