参与冰球的女性:Erin Bilello

参与冰球的女性:Erin Bilello

作者: 扁圆柱体 | 来源:发表于2024-02-02 22:42 被阅读0次

原标题:Women in Hockey: Erin Bilello

The NHL is celebrating women in hockey, and every week this season, NHL.com will highlight a woman from each of the 32 teams. Today, a look at Arizona Coyotes executive assistant, hockey operations Erin Bilello:

Name: Erin Bilello

Job title: Executive Assistant, Hockey Operations

Education: St. Bonaventure University (Bachelor’s Degree in journalism and mass communication with a minor in marketing).

Years of hockey experience: 3 years in hockey, 6 years in total in the sports and entertainment industry.

Describe your job in 2-3 sentences:

As the executive assistant for the Arizona Coyotes, my job is to help our team off the ice so they can be successful on the ice. I work with our staff, players, and team family members to plan and book individual travel, manage immigration, coordinate events, perform myriad administrative tasks and help wherever I can!

What was your first-ever job, and did it prepare you for the work you do today?

Motivated by the desire to study abroad in college, I accepted my first job as a valet ticket taker at a private beach club in New York. This prepared me for my job today because it taught me the importance of quality customer service and building relationships while also teaching me how to make quick decisions and pay attention to detail. However, not even a few summers working outside could prepare me for the Arizona summer heat! Most importantly, I learned that hard work pays off because I was able to spend an entire semester in Prague!

What motivates you to keep pushing and be successful?

I am motivated by the hard-working, passionate individuals I’ve had the privilege of interacting with over the past four seasons. I have built great relationships with my counterparts from the 31 other teams and have become good friends with many of them. It is inspiring to see the career trajectory of people across the NHL who started as executive assistants. Seeing their success pushes me to be successful as well!

What do you love most about your job?

My colleagues are what I love most about my job! I am very lucky to be a part of the Coyotes organization and be surrounded by the best people in the industry, from the hockey operations staff to the players and their families. When you are surrounded by great people, it makes the long season and the challenging days a lot more fun. I am very fortunate to work with great colleagues who have now become great friends!

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?


What’s your favorite book?

Shoe Dog by Phil Knight

One thing you can’t live without?

My family! They are back in New York and are so supportive of my career.

Do you collect anything?

All my credentials from past media and NHL events.

What is your hobby outside of work?



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      本文标题:参与冰球的女性:Erin Bilello
