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A Ghost In My Kitchen|这里有食物最美的样子

A Ghost In My Kitchen|这里有食物最美的样子

作者: TinyMonster | 来源:发表于2016-04-07 16:17 被阅读88次

    We're taking food photography to the next level!


    如果你喜欢烹饪,喜欢慢生活,任何可以在家亲手制作的东西,你都可以写信给Kitchen Ghost,他们很乐意去给你的厨房再加层魔法。

    The Kitchen Ghost项目一开始只是两个女生为了体验生活,找点工作之外的乐趣。如今她们把这个项目做成了厨房的一道“美味”。


    The Kitchen Ghost的名字很快就决定了,很符合她拍的这些Cinemagraphic。当时并没有太多人看到这些照片,Daria觉得如果不喜欢,总有时间再想一个。结果突然之间很多人开始分享这个项目,并为这个项目写了不少美文。再改名已经显得有些晚了,而且她也并无此打算。

    “I love this project with all my heart, it’s not just about food and recipes, it’s about magic in everyday life, surprising, inspiring, exceeding expectations.” – Daria Khoroshavina


    “It’s not that I haven’t chosen my speciality yet – I have chosen to have many.”


    Daria Khoroshavina是一名来自俄罗斯的年轻摄影师,以肖像摄影见长。关于自己为什么不专注在某一个领域,她表示喜欢以自己的风格和娴熟的技术去尝试新的东西。她认为所谓的天赋不是能做好某一件事,而是做好你想做好的事情,去学习和创造新事物的能力。


    Still photographs in which a minor and repeated movement occurs. They are published in either animated GIF format or as video.

    从事摄影四年之后,Daria决定开始拍摄Cinemagraphs(静态摄影中有一细小部分产生运动,通常以动画或视频的形式呈现。)作为自己的side project,结果受到了很多关注,更有之前的客户要求拍摄这样的照片。



    In the chase of small, silent moments of living I fell in love with photography.

    Q: Tell us more about yourself and your background.

    Daria: 我其实是一个基于Ryazan(莫斯科)的肖像/时尚摄影师,到现在为止已经在这个行业好几年了。早期对职业做了一次重大调整,从英语老师到摄影师

    Q: How did you get started with photography? Did you go to school to study photography?

    Daria: 追随自己喜欢的东西,就这么简单。有一天我辞去了自己教师的工作,专心摄影,用自己真正喜欢的东西来养活自己。我没有在任何摄影学校进修过,但是在网络上学了很多,看了很多视频和教程。

    Q: How long have you been taking photos?

    Daria: 摄影作为爱好已经五年了,但近两年才真正成为我的职业。

    Q: You have cited, “I want my style to be subtle and metaphoric, a mesh from the simplest preciousness of human body and infinite universe of mind.” Why do you want your style to be subtle and metaphoric?

    Daria: 摄影就像在一粒沙子中看世界,在一个单词一张图片或一种颜色中表达。这种感觉很奇妙,只要你稍微摆动一下模特的肩膀或者手,就能讲述不一样的故事,这就是我为什么喜欢摄影的原因。

    Q:What kind of equipment (camera body, lens, filters, flash, tripod ….. ) do you use?

    Daria: 我用佳能6D和50的定焦镜头拍摄。正准备入一台85。除了在工作室,基本不是用闪光灯

    Q: I think you are very skilled in terms of using post-processing softwares. What kind of hardware, software and tools do you use for post-processing?

    Daria: 和其他摄影师没什么区别,就是用Lightroom和Photoshop和数位板修片。

    Q: How long did it take you to become a master of using these softwares? Are you self-taught?


    Q: What are your advices for the beginners at mastering Photoshop and some other post processing softwares?

    Daria: 永远不要停止学习和搜索。如果你觉得你已经直到的更多,看看那些专业的作品,这种知足的感觉就会消失。不要过多修片!也不要盲目追随流行的后期,我们都知道那些小伎俩,一点都不酷。

    Q: What is the one most important lesson that you have learned since you started taking photographs and creating art?

    Daria: 如果事情发展的不顺利我就跳窗的话,那我这辈子都在飞。如果对结果感到不满意,我不会放弃,只会从新再来。这是最难的地方,但通常都是值得的。

    Q: Please tell us about five of your favorite photographers?

    Daria: Mario Sorrenti – 他对肢体语言的解读;Tim walker – 发现地球上的奇妙地;Jake Garn教会我看生活中每天身边事物的质地。还有一个名叫Ezgi Polat的女孩 – 我喜欢她的电影,从没停止过对我的启发。哦还有Neil Craver的水下“魔法”!

    Q: If you were advising a young photographer today, what would your words of wisdom be?

    Daria: 让自己不停受到启发,不停的去创作!

    -HER WORK-




    “Cinemagraphs are a way to catch those precious seconds of life when you wish to stop time and enjoy wind playing in your hair, dust sparkling in the sun, smoke from last night’s festive fire. All that fades so quickly you might miss it in a blink of an eye. A little more than photography, still, rare. I find it romantic.”——Daria




    INSTAGRAM: kitchenghosts



        本文标题:A Ghost In My Kitchen|这里有食物最美的样子
