Words and Expressions
原文:Dinky, as his name implies, was dinky.
释义: Very small and appealing.
例句: The village boasts dinky shops and tea rooms.
仿写: What he really minds is that dinky gift given by his girlfriend.
2.live up to
原文: He was trying to live up to this image of what he thought a husband should be, dominant, controlling.
释义:1. To do what is acquired by someting; 2. To be good enough for something.
原文: He has found it difficult to live up to his reputation.
仿写: He had done all he could to live up to that promise.
3.【熟词生义】jam ①果酱 ②push or put sth. roughly
原文: We'd jam ourselves into the tiny living area.
造句: Jack jammed his hands into his pockets
...... was the chant they would rally to during the freedom struggle. "When you strike a woman, you strike a rock." As a nation, we rexognized the power of women, but in the home, they were expected to submit and obey.
以及后面妈妈对作者的提问: If it is hard for her to raise me alone without a husband 的回答,"Just because I live without a man doesn't mean I've never had a husband. God is my husband."
字里行间暗含了南非女性艰难的生活,也彰显了在如此艰难的环境中,他们仍然有自己的信仰,"ALL the other women on our street, life cwntered on faith.